Chapter Forty-One

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"We can play a Seeker's Match?"

"Unfortunately, that only applies to Seekers, Weasley."

"We can go to Hogsmeade?"

"Last I recall, you are banned from Hogsmeade visits."

"We can go to the library," Ron says. "I know you like reading books and stuff."

"Perhaps another time."

Ron and Blaise watch as Draco stands from his seat and leaves the Great Hall, his shoulders unusually slouched. "Poor sod."

"I know," Blaise sighs. He folds the letter in his hands, forgetting his mother's words of concern to focus on his best friend. "He's been miserable since him and Potter had that argument."

"Yeah, well, Harry's no better. Hasn't left his bed. Hasn't eaten. Hell, I don't even reckon he slept last night."

"Idiots," Blaise huffs. "Don't even know they're hurting each other."

"They're just stubborn," Ron reasons, lifting a forkful of roasted potatoes to his mouth. "They'll come to a consensus, you'll see."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

"Why's that?"

"Don't speak with your mouth full, darling, it's unbecoming."


"Potter has the heart of a lion, obviously. He's the poster boy for Gryffindor. He throws himself at every situation with open arms and a closed mind. Draco, on the other hand, is quite introverted. He jumps into everything with an opened mind yet, reserved. He's open to suggestions but he knows what needs to be done and won't hesitate to fall back to his knowledge to do it."


"So, Potter doesn't know that Draco is very bureaucratic. It's the only way he knows how to control things."

"If he's so bureaucratic, why did he take Voldemort's task?"

"Because out of all the outcomes, that was the best. He explored all his options before coming to the most logical one. He would survive, his parents would survive, and only one person had to pay the price. And that person was already aware of everything. Draco took his task by the reigns from the beginning, willing to do so or not."

"So how's a controlled agreement bad for him and Harry?"

Blaise sighs. "The structure of the bond won't allow him to make such demands. Especially in the position he's in. Harry has the upper hand, he's stronger physically and magically, even though his mental stability isn't all that strong. As for Draco, he thrives where Harry doesn't, but it won't do him good because he can't defy Harry's demands."

Ron's mouth opens in realization. "He can't make a contract because he's already in a contract."

"Precisely. Draco will attempt to take control but it will backfire, and Harry will take advantage of that because he never thinks things through."

The Gryffindor whistles. "This week is just going downhill for Malfoy, isn't it?"

"You do know he won't listen to anyone, right? He's going after his mother."

"I know."

"And you're not stopping him?"

"Why do you sound so surprised? It's family. If my mother was kidnapped, I sure as hell wouldn't hesitate in flipping the world upside down to find her."


"Plus, it's the only family he has left. His loony aunt is in the bin, his dad, too."

"He has Luna," Blaise interrupts pointedly.

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