Chapter Fourteen

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Blaise takes an extra couple of minutes to cast a Clarifico on himself to avoid thinking about the situation. Madame Pomfrey is fussing over Ron as he walks around the bed, tending it, and Draco is absently twirling his wand in his hand, looking out the window.

He doesn't even get time to apologize to Draco about his disappearance last night because the Headmistress is walking in, all regal and sharp.

"I'm sure you know the necessary punishment for your actions," she says.

Ron nods. "We understand, Professor," he goes to lean on the windowsill. Blaise notices his eyes look heavy and he's slouching more than usual.

Seems these beds kick everyone's arse, Blaise thinks.

"Now, not only did you fight outside the castle walls, but you came back after curfew."

Blaise sees Draco stop his wand twirling. He blatantly ignores him when he turns to him.

"A week's detention starting on Monday. Hogsmeade visits will be detained for the rest of the month until the new term starts after holidays. Report to my office after lunch tomorrow."

Blaise purses his lips but keeps quiet. Ron nods, and when the Headmistress goes to turn he stands straight. "May I have a word with you outside, Professor?"

He watches the two until they disappear behind the doors and inwardly groans when he hears his best friend shuffle on the chair. "You left the safety of the castle grounds without telling anyone? Without telling me?"

Blaise turns to him. "I know."

"No," Draco says, rising to his feet. "You do not know. If you did, you would have had half a wit and informed me so I could be prepared when I was told of your death!"

"Draco," Blaise takes a step back, wraps his arms around himself.

"I am aware my name is tarnished, but I will not let you do that to yourself. If I have to place a tracking charm on you I will. I do not care who you associate with, Blaise," Draco's voice softens and Blaise shakes his head to rid his eyes of the sting. "I will protect you no matter what. We made that promise, remember? I will stand by you, always, but I will not watch you burn."

"I know," Blaise says again. "I was stupid, I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

"You will," Draco's voice softens dramatically and Blaise knows he's about to get hugged. "That is what worries me."

Draco pulls him against his side and squeezes his shoulder.

"We are a team," he says. "And whether that team includes Gryffindors or you loony Aunt Chiara, we have to stick together."

Blaise sniffs. "We owe each other everything, don't we."

And Draco only smiles and sets his temple on Blaise's head. "Is that not what friends are for?"


"What can I help you with, Mr. Weasley?"

"Have you received any news on Harry or Hermione? What have the Ministry officials said?"

Minerva gives Ron a sad smile. "Nothing yet, Mr. Weasley. I assure you, you'll be the first to know come any news about them."

"Blaise and Malfoy can know, too. They've been helping me raid the library."

The Headmistress raises her eyebrows in surprise. "Have they, now."

Ron flushes to his hairline. "I guess, they're not so bad once you get to know them."

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