Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Three bloodlines in one wizard," Hermione is scribbling furiously into her parchment. "How interesting!"

Draco grins from his spot on the bed. Headmistress McGonagall had just left after wishing him Happy Holidays, and other Harry had also just left to return to his own family. His Harry was still in the Infirmary, stable and very healthy.

Blaise and Ron were out on the Quidditch pitch, playing a competitive game of Bludger, and Hermione was here, in his dorm.

Bothering him about him being a mixed species wizard.

"What is a Fenomus," Hermione looks up at him. "I've never heard of them before."

She's wearing a black knotted sweater and her jeans, with tall boots, and her lips are shiny with lipgloss. Her lashes are still dark and her brows are still full. It seems like Blaise's influence has made her more confident.

Draco smiles at her. "Fenomus is actually the male conjugation of the word. Fenoma is for females, even though the gene runs more commonly in males. Fenomae, which is a species that is not recorded very often due to its rarity, is an elemental wizard. Unlike regular witches and wizards, Fenomae are exceptionally talented in controlling the elements without the use of a wand. The Fenomae are the ones who invented the Aguamenti spell, as well as the Fiendfyre. They are also inhabitants to the largest bank of wild magic that has ever been used in the world."

"How fascinating," Hermione whispers in awe, her hand moving swiftly over her notes. "Is your gene active?"

"Very much so," Draco nods. "It takes extreme concentration due to the amount of wild magic it takes to bend elements to your will, however, so I do not use it often."

"And your Veela lineage? You received it from your maternal side, right?"


"Amazing," she whispers again. "Now that you're bonded to Harry, do you feel any kind of connection to him?"

Draco laughs, all of a sudden. He laughs and he laughs even more when Hermione looks up at him with wide eyes.

"Pardon me," he says after he catches his breath, but he's still chuckling. "It is just that...I have never seen anyone so engrossed in learning something. You truly deserve all the praise you received for your marks, Granger."

Hermione blushes down to her neck line, where it disappears under her sweater. "I'm sorry. I just don't have a lot of interesting friends."

The Slytherin lifts a brow. "Your best friend is the Savior of the Wizarding World and your other best friend is the champion of the Quidditch Cup."

"All trivial things," she waves it off.

"By Salazar, woman," Draco grins. "You really only care for the important things."

"Harry is no longer the Savior of the Wizarding World, he's the slogan boy for the Ministry. And Ron, he's just lucky he's good at catching balls, if you know what I mean."

Draco splutters, and then he laughs again. "Woman!"

"I've never heard you laugh before," Hermione interrupts him. "It's quite...enthralling."

He exhales a wide smile. "It is actually part of the Veela gene. The reason I do not laugh often is because my body will release pheromones, which will have everyone launching themselves on me."

"Oh," Hermione's eyes widen and she scribbles it down.

"It is how a Veela finds suitors, as compatible mates will be impervious to the smell of pheromones."

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