Welcome To The World Of Horror

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I crept into the kitchen at about 2 am. All of the boys were asleep. I heard a loud noise. Maybe just the wind. I opened the fridge and took out a cookie. Thats when I felt it, I felt something going into my thigh. A sharp pain. I fell to the ground and the world went black all around me.

Liam's P.O.V

I couldn't be happier that Lily let us live with her. She is such a darling. She has 13 bedrooms. With, 13 bathrooms. With 13 kitchens.. 13 everything! I knocked on her door, seeing if she wanted to go to breakfast. I turned the doorknob and went into her room.

I pulled the covers off her bed and she wasn't there. I looked in the bathroom, she wasn't there either. I knocked on Niall's door, knowing he would help. I knocked again.

Niall opened the door and he looked very tired. "5 more minutes." He grumbled. "Lily isn't in her room." I said, firmly. He perked up quickly and started yelling. "LILY! LILY! LILY!" I grabbed his shoulders. Lacie and Macie came out of their rooms. "Y fo woud?" Lacie wondered. OMG. That was so cute! "Hun. Do you know where mommy is?" I asked, bending down to their height, sitting on the floor. They both shrugged at the same time. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"  I heard  Carter scream.

"Carter! Whats wrong?!?" I screamed, looking into different rooms, looking for her. I found her in Lily's kitchen, on the floor, sobbing hysterically. "CARTER! WHATS WRONG!?!" I asked;worried. She pointed over somewheres and I saw Lily, on the floor, bleeding. Niall was literally on the floor, crying his eyes out. Surprising, knowing that boy never cries. I ran over to Lily, feeling her pulse.

"Who would do such a thing?!?" Carter asked. Harry ran into the room, holding a knife. "Whos dying?!?" He screamed. "Lily." Carter mumbled. He looked over and he started screaming like a little girl. "Guys! Guys! She is still alive jeez! Someone must've stabbed her or something." I said.

Kayla ran in and dropped her hairdryer. "I know who did it." She mumbled.

Kayla's P.O.V


"oooo I can never get enough of little Lilac here." 'He' said, smirking. Lily jumped on 'him'. "OOF!" 'He' said, as she landed on 'him', causing 'him' to land on the floor. She brought a straightener to 'his' head and straightened one side and cut part of the other. She then dumped a bottle of glitter on 'him' and drew a mustache and beard with washable marker.

She stood up and admired her work. I turned the corner, carrying a laundry basket. "Lily. What do you think you're doing? What have I told you about beating up celebrities? Remember what happened last time you did that?" I scolded, playing the mother role playfully.

Niall pulled her into his lap. She turned tomato red. "You beat up celebrities?" He asked her. "Only Hannah Montana! Britney Spears and Channing Tatum and Justin Bieber and Nicki Manaj..." She said, mumbling the last ones. "OMG! What do you have against Justin Bieber?" Niall asked, dazed. "He thinks he can get any girl he wants. Especially the tramps and hores. Even the sluts!" She said, rolling her eyes.

"At least she didn't do anything to my hair." 'He' butted in. "Wanna bet?" Liam asked. "Wow. Look at Daddy Direction! You can finally have a conversation that doesn't include the words 'pick up this mess'?" Lily said, teasingly.

Zayn gave 'him' his mirror and 'he' screamed. 'He' stalked off into the laundry room. I glanced at 'him' and decided to see what 'he' was doing. I opened a door quietly and looked in the basement. I saw 'him' by the washing and drying machines. I heard 'him' talking to 'himself'. 'He' was loud enough for me to hear.

"She will pay. At 2 am. Watch your back Delilah Katie Pettis." 'He' said. My jaw dropped as 'he' looked at 'his' reflection in a knife. He made a sharp chuckle. I sneezed, causing 'him' to turn on 'his' heel. "Whos there?" He asked. "Probably the wind." 'He' said, when I didn't respond.

When 'he' turned around, I moved down the stairs and climbed into the loft. I watched as 'he' walked upstairs, thinking that nobody was eavesdropping at 'his' little plan. You will regret it!

(A/N) OOOOO CLIFFHANGER! Who do you think did it? If you read the previous chapters, you would know in a flash! *Jaw Drop* :O

Comment who you think it was. Remember: Comment, vote, be a fan, read, be a fan, subscribe, be a fan. HAHA! SILLY ME! YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO! *thumbs up*

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