The Kisses I Missed

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I walked through the airport holding my little girls. "Mummy? We just got here." Macie whined. "Hun. Me and Daddy are having issues. I thought he changed but I was wrong." I told her. Kayla and Carter came up to me. I handed Lacie to Kayla and Macie to Carter. "I have to go get the luggage from the car. Watch them please?" I said. They nodded and walked away with Macie and Lacie.  I opened the car door and pulled out the suitcases. I shut the door. I turned around quickly and I was frightened so bad I jumped and hit the car

. "AHH!" I screamed. "Lily. Are you ok?" He asked me. I nodded my head up and down as if everything was fine. Lie. I then started bawling and walked into his arms. He made little circles on my back the way he used to. Maybe he has changed? I took a step back and wiped my face on my sleeve.

"Your mad at me." He mumbled. "Well, You cant expect me to be happy with you. You did accuse me of something you know im not. I was slightly offended at your little comment earlier today." I told him, firmly. "I guess your right." He told me. "You KNOW Im Right." I told him. I giggled. He chuckled.

Minutes later, we started talking about how things were. "So. I dont know your kids names." He said, rubbing his neck. "Macie Lucille Horan and Lacie Mae Horan." I told him, rubbing my neck. See? Thats what made us great best friends. We always rubbed our necks when we were nervous.

He nodded. "I like those names." He said to me awkwardly. "So I guess this is it."  I said, playing with my hair. "Yeah. I'll miss you." He said to me. My eyes widened a bit. "You will?" I asked ; shocked. "Yes. Of course. You know, I didnt mean to hurt you. That week, it turned into 5 months.

I spent 4 months trying to find you and I finally have. I felt like my heart was ripped out and stomped on right in front of me when you left. I cant stand to be without you. Your my reason to live. Your my life. Your my world." He said to me. I didn't realize I was crying until he hugged me.

 "I love you." I mumbled. He glanced down to me. "What?" He asked. "I said, 'I-" Suddenly, my phhone rang.

Starships were meant to fly

Hands up and touch the sky

Cant stop

Cuz we're so high

Lets do this

One more time

Starships were meant to fly

Hands up and touch the sky

Cant stop

Cuz we're so high

Lets do this

One last time

Cant stop

Cuz wer'e higher than a mot-

I grabbed my phone from my purse and answered it. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "Where are you?!?" An angry Kayla yelled. "Ok woah. Hold on. Let me switch ears." I said, switching my phone to the other ear. "I got caught up with Niall. No he isnt hurting me! Kayla! Ill be there in a moment!" I said into the phone. "You better not han-" She started, but I cut her off by hanging up.

I turned to Niall and hugged him. "You were saying?" Niall asked, with hope. "I said, 'I love you.' I also mean that. I dont want you getting hurt. So um. I guess you and the boys can come to Los Angeles with me?" I said, awkwardly. Then 4 boys turned the corner and awww'ed us.

I stuck out my tognue. "Didnt mummy teach you not to eavesdrop?" I asked. "No. My mum actually did not. I also will get you back for straightening my hair and spitting in my mouth! I still have Pettis DNA lodged on my tognue!" Harry said. I giggled.

Minutes later, I didnt realize I was kissing Niall. I pulled away and got some air. Woah. Didnt see that coming.

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