Stalker Much?

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I shifted uncomfortably in my bed. I sat up and yawned. This bed isn't mine? Where am I? Oh. I am at my sister's. I walked downstairs and saw Carrie making breakfast, with the twins. "Hi Macie. Hi Lacie." I said, plopping in a chair at the table. They ran over to me, and sat on my lap. I heard the doorbell. "I'll get it." I said. "If its Ashton, let him in." She said. I scowled. I looked through the peephole, my eyes widened. Shoot. I ran and dove over the couch.

Carrie's P.O.V

I walked and opened the door, considering she just dove over the couch like a gymnast. I had no idea who it was. "Uhm. Hi? Can I help you?" I asked. "Hello. Lily. Can I come in?" He asked. "Huh?" I said, before slamming the door in his face. He knocked again. I opened it. "WHAT!" I yelled. "Lily. Can I come in?" He repeated.

"I am not Lily you retard. I think you would know your ex fiance's face." I said, slamming the door again. Now I understand why she dove over the couch. "Lily. Please forgive him, so he stops coming here." I whispered. "Ugh fine." She said. She stood up and opened the door.

Lily's P.O.V

"Hi. Can I help you?" I asked Niall. "Is Lily here?" He asked. My heart fell and crashed down in my stomach. I gulped. "Um. Im Lily. I knew you would forget." I mumbled, turning to look at Carrie, while I was on the edge of crying.

"What was that?" He asked. "I said, 'Um. Im Lily. I knew you would forget.'" I repeated. "Lily. I love you, I didn't mean to say it like that. If you forgive me, I promise I will never leave you broken again. I won't hurt you, and I won't disagree with you, I promise. Just marry me?" He asked, kneeling down and holding out a ring.

Crap. Im screwed. I just stared at him, like 'what the heck?' He looked up at me, probably expecting an answer. "Okay. Yes. But, If you ever try anything that could hurt me, break me, or make me want to leave you, its all on you." I said. He grabbed me and kissed me. I pushed him off.

"Dude! You need a shower!" I yelled. He chuckled and went into the bathroom. He came back out like 15 minutes later. I was holding Elizabeth, throwing her up and catching her. She was smiling. "My twurn!" Lacie yelled. I laughed, and set Elizabeth in her high chair.

I picked up Lacie. I threw her in the air, then caught her. I did this repeatedly. I did it with Macie aswell. They were giggling like maniacs.

Niall's P.O.V

I smiled at Lily playing with her kids. She was playing hide and seek with them right now. Well, except for Elizabeth, Carrie was holding her. Lacie stood next to the couch, thinking nobody saw her. Lily tiptoed behind her.

I couldn't help but laugh. Then Lily grabbed Lacie, and ran around the house, using her as an airplane. She gave her rasberries and everything. There was a knock at the door. I opened it and saw Liam and Kayla, Carter and Zayn, Louis and nobody.

I motioned them to come in. Kayla gave Liam a quick kiss then ran over to Elizabeth. "Look its baby Liz!" She chirped. We laughed. "Auntie Twarter!" Macie screamed, running into the room. Carter held out her arms and Macie jumped, Carter pulling her arms up with Macie in them. She giggled. Lily sat on my lap. "I can't see the tv!" I pouted. "Too bad." She said, smirking.

"Louis!" She yelled, running over to Louis and jumping in his arms. "Hello?" He said, laughing. "Uwncle Lwou!" Lacie and Macie cheered. They ran over to him, and hugged his legs. "Hahaha!" Louis cheered. "Oh. We're getting married. I kinda forgave him again." Lily blurted out.

 "I still have the dresses and everything, so its worth it." She said. We all nodded. "Our wedding day is tommorow. You know that right?" I blurted out. "How? We need to send invitations and everything." She said. "Already handled it. The best part is, I invited your mom." I said, smiling. She perked up, and attacked me in a hug. "My mom is so awesome! Ask Kayla! Ask Carter! Ask my kids!" I yelled. "Wes shwe iws." The twins said. "Yup." Kayla and Carter said at the same time.

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