Room Arrest

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~2 months later~

I watched my two little girls play with their dolls. I looked over at Niall and smiled. He was asleep with half his body off the couch, hanging upside down. I laughed. My daughters ran over to me and jumped on me. "Ahh!" I whisper-yelled, falling down. They giggled and I  gave them some whipped cream. "Put some on daddy's hand." I whispered.

They ran over to him and sprayed the whole bottle on his hand. I layed on the ground. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I watched Niall jump, causing him to smash his whole face into the whipped cream. "LILY! IM GOING TO GET YOU FOR THAT!" He yelled. I jumped over the couch and onto his lap.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" He screamed. "Hehe. Did I scare you?" I asked, sounding innocent. He glared at me. I giggled and ran. "Get back here!" He yelled, chasing after me. "Nanana boo boo! You cant catch me!" I yelled in sing-song. I ran into a coat hanger and fell. I looked behind me and didn't see Niall. I stood up and backed into something hard.

I turned around and saw Niall smiling evilly. "Ahhh!" I screamed. He picked me up by the waist. "You're going to wish you have never did that." I said. "What?" He asked. I spit in his face, making him drop me. "EWWWWW!" He screamed. I crawled into a kitchen cabinet. Haha. Sucker. I heard footsteps and then I felt hands on my waist again.

"NIALL! LET GO!" I yelled. I turned my head and saw a smirking Louis. "Why cant I carry my cousin?" Louis asked, raising an eyebrow. "ONWARD HORSIE!" I yelled, jumping on his back. He ran through the house. I giggled like a maniac. Niall gave Louis a look of jealousy when he saw us. "Um. Niall. Firstly, I know what you're thinking. Secondly, Louis and I are related." I said, kinda annoyed.

He dropped his glare. I fell off Louis' back and landed hard on my back. "OWWW!!" I grunted. Louis helped me up before Niall could. I sighed. "Niall. We can't do this. Especially if you can't trust me." I said. Niall's face fell. "I trust you!" He cried. My eyebrow raised.

"You are jealous of Louis giving me piggyback rides. You should love me no matter what. Im not a whore, Niall." I said, firmly. "I NEVER SAID YOU WERE! I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT! YOUR PRETTY LITTLE HEAD DOESNT KNOW IT!" He shouted. I could feel my heart fall. Niall yelled at me. Niall James Horan yelled at me.

I ran to my room and slammed the door shut. I locked it so nobody could come in. I heard a soft knock on the door. "Lilac?" I heard Louis say. "Go away." I mumbled. "Let me in." He said again. I groaned and got up. I unlocked the door and sat in the closet, door closed.

"Lily? Where are you?" I heard him say. He opened the closet and looked down at me. "Hello Lou. How are You?" I said, giggling because it rhymed. He stifled a laugh and held out his hand. I accepted and sat on the bed, frowning.

~1 week later~

"Lily. You can't sit in here forever." Louis said, after I let him in. I shut and locked the door. "I know. Its just.. Niall has never yelled at me in this relationship. Im not used to it. He either apologizes or I stay in here. Im not leaving this room until he speaks up. Otherwise, Im never talking to him again, nor am I eating." I said, firmly.

"You love him dont you?" He asked. "Of course I do. He just made me upset when he yelled. I was about ready to smack him upside the head. It would knock some sense into him." I said. He laughed at my comment. I heard a door open and some keys hit the table. I was confused. The look on Louis' face was priceless! Haha! I opened the door a crack and saw a girl.

"Lily? You here?" She said. I recognized the voice immediatly and called her in here. She came in. I looked at her. "Close and lock the door." I said, smiling. She pulled off her coat. I attacked her into a Pettis Hug. Those are way more comfy than Horan Hugs, trust me.

"Kayla!" I screamed. "Lily!" She said, laughing. "I was just food poisoned, and in shock." She said. "What happened in that phone call?" Louis asked. She froze. "I can't tell." She said. We nodded. "So. Why are we all in here?" She asked. "Therapists help out their clients, right?" Louis asked. I smacked his arm playfully. He laughed.

"I'm having relationship issues with Niall. I think I might break up with him. Im too dramatic for him and he has his own life. He has girls dying to be with him everyday. So I want him to be free. He wouldn't want anybody like me anyways. He probably thinks im after his money.

I love him for who he is. Thats all." I said, worried what their reactions would be. Their jaws dropped. "NO! DON'T BREAK UP WITH HIM!" Liam yelled. "Liam?" I said. I looked over at my window. "Oh yeah I climbed in." He said, chuckling.

"Why? He doesn't like me anyways. I want to make him happy. But, he has better things to do."  I said. "Thats where you are wrong Delilah Katie Pettis." He said. "Huh? How?" I said, confused. "Niall poured his heart out to you when you were in a coma.

He said he loves you and he never regrets saving you in 1st grade. He even said 'Please dont go'. He was fighting with the doctors, trying to get to you. He even beat up Harry. As well as Kayla did. Trust me, it was entertaining." He said, laughing, "Wait. Why did they beat up Haz?" I asked. "He stabbed you." He said. My jaw dropped.

"That meanie!" I yelled. I heard a knock on the door. "Lily." I heard Niall say. My eyes widened and I dived for the closet. I crawled inside and closed the door. "Louis. Wheres Lily?" I heard Niall say. I kept quiet.

"Oh um. She is an undercover FBI Agent that likes to hide in closets to scare people out of their minds and then arrest them." Louis said. He couldn't think of anything better than that!?!  "Oh." Is all he said. I heard footsteps come towards the closet. I climbed on top of the sheld and layed there. I saw it open, to reveal a sad looking Niall.

"Working." He said. "Oh. When she gets back, tell her I love her and I am truly sorry for shouting at her. Suddenly, the shelf broke and I let out a blood curdling scream.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed. I saw the door open and I flipped off the shelf, landing on my stomach, bouncing my head on the hardwood floor. "LILY!" Was all I heard before I blacked out.

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