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I pulled into Carrie's driveway and got out with my suitcases. I unbuckled the girls from their carseats and grabbed the bags from the back of the SUV. I smiled. I gave Lacie and Macie some bags and I held their hands and held Liz. I grabbed the keys and walked up to the door. I knocked.

She opened the door. "Uhm. Hi?" She said. "Its Lily." I said. "OMG! LILY KATIE PETTIS!" She screamed, pulling me inside. I fell on the floor with Lacie and Macie. We all laughed even Liz.

"Are these your little ones?!?" She yelled. I nodded and she grabbed them and hugged them. "I was wondering if we could stay here for a while." I said.

"Of course. Boy troubles?" She asked. "Yeah. Its Niall. He forgot all about me and the kids." I said. She gasped. "That jerk! Hun.

You have always been perfect for Ashton. Why don't you marry him instead? I know he likes you and you like him back." She said, winking. I gasped in horror.

"Thats your devious wink." I said. We laughed. "You're room is upstairs, down the hall to the right. There is a nursery aswell." She said, grinning.

"Thanks." I said, turning to walk away, but something caught me off guard. "Hows Dad?" I turned around. "In jail." I said. "He abused me and my mom." I said, running upstairs.

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