Elizabeth Lilliana Horan

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Niall's P.O.V

I finally got that girl away from me. I saw the boys over on the other side of the club. I jogged over there. "Hey g-" I was cut off by a fist on my jaw. I fell down. I looked up and saw Louis glaring at me.

"What the heck man?!?" I yelled. I scanned the club for Lily. "Wheres L-" I was cut off again by Louis' fist. "STOP!" I yelled. I got up and saw Liam glaring at me. "What is going on?" I asked, very confused. "The answer to your question is right here." Carter said, randomly appearing.

She was holding up a ring. "A ring?" I asked.

"Its not just a ring. Its Lily's engagement ring from you. Next time you makeout with someone.. make sure it isn't in front of Lily. K? Oh and, I hope you know, she isn't your 'fiance' anymore. If you don't want her, she doesn't want you either."

She said, glaring at me and turning to walk away. I have no idea what happened, but something inside me just snapped.

Carter's P.O.V

I turned to walk away, but someone grabbed my arm and turned me around. Then I felt it. I fell into Louis. I held my face. I looked up and saw Niall. "What was that for?" I snarled. "Being a Nosy Rosy." He said. I stood up, dusted myself off, and walked up to him, going into his face.

"Now listen here Niall Horan. I have no idea what your issue is, but, nobody hits Carter Hampton. And I mean NOBODY. If you go near me, Lily, OR Kayla ever again, you will face my wrath. Nobody ever hits a girl. And did you forget shes pregnant? Yeah, she is. Now shes going to be a single mother, you jerk." I sneered, punching him clean in the face. I wiped my lip and walked towards the doors. I was about to leave but, my phone rang. *Phone Convo*

C: Hello? This is Carter Hampton's phone. How may I assure you?

Ms. Pettis: Carter! Um, Lily is giving birth, Kayla is here, but she wants you here aswell.




*End Of Phone Convo*

Oh god.

Lily's P.O.V

I was in the middle of giving birth, when Carter ran in. "CARTER! IS NIALL BEHIND YOU?" I asked, hopeful. "No." She said, angrily. "Oh." I said, upset. I saw a bruise forming on her face. "What happened?" I asked. "Oh nothing." She said, picking at her teeth.

"Carter. Dont lie to me. I know when you are lying, you always pick at your teeth." I said. She groaned. "Fine! Niall frikkin Horan was still at the club and I told him off and he punched me in the face. But, I punched him back. He also got 2 punches from Louis. I also said that if he comes near you or Kayla ever again, he will face my wrath." She told me.

"He did WHAT?!?" I screamed. "Hit me. But don't get mad." She said. I calmed down, when I realized the birth was over. Hmm, that was easier than my other 2. "Carter. I just realized something. Niall keeps missing the birth of his children. Why? He missed this 3 times." I said, almost crying. She ran over to me, and rubbed my back. "He is a jerk. Don't listen to him. Now, what are you going to name your he/she?" She asked. "Its a girl." The doctor said. I smiled.

"Elizabeth Lilliana Horan."

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