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"BREAKING NEWS: Wanna One's Park Woojin has finally woken up after 14 days"

i couldn't help but to leap in joy at the news. woojin is now awake. though i'm still feeling remorseful, i'm really happy that he held on. 

"Park Woojin, a member of Wanna One, has been admitted to the hospital 14 days ago after being diagnosed to have taken the wrong medicine provided by Doctor Lee Hyora who was their newly hired personal doctor. The member underwent an operation led by Doctor Kwon Soonyoung and Doctor Lee Hyora. He was on comatose for 13 days and has finally woken up on the 2nd-week mark. He is currently still resting in the hospital and will be discharged in a few days that has yet to be confirmed by the agency. The agency has also yet to confirm if Woojin will be making a statement for the incident. The agency is expected to release a statement regarding the issue as many people are keen to know the procedure they will be taking to protect their artist." the newscaster says to inform the people. 

i switched off the television and pulled my phone from the night stand. i dialed a number and waited until someone picks up.

"hello, welcome to Daebak Chicken. may i know your order and address?" a girl speaks on the other line.

today is the day for some chicken and beer.

"chicken drumstick and wings set. sauce would be.. half soy garlic and half honey garlic. and 3 cans of beer. address is 23 songnamju street unit 05-01" i ordered.

"sure thing, total would be $20. waiting time would be 30 minutes. thank you for ordering from daebak chicken!" the girl cheerfully bids a goodbye and i hang up.

there's so many things in my head and i'm really greatful that one of my worries is gone. even though i shouldn't feel too happy right now because karma might just come and get me again, having to know woojin is awake just makes my day 100 times better and nothing else would be greater news to me.

you know that feeling when someone just means so much to you that nothing would stop you from being worried about him and wishing the best for him? he means so much to you that if it means you have to leave for him to be happy, you will. he means so much to you that a week without him is enough to witter you. he means so much to you that seeing him for a second is enough to keep your day going. he means so much that seeing him for a second can make you really happy when the clouds decided to give you a bad day. he means so much that his presence can make eventful happenings feel like it didn't happen. he means so much that you would unconsciously do things to see him. he means so much that no matte how much you try to move on, it's no use because you will fall back again in no time. 

he means that much to me. by now, you might be calling me obsessed but i've never fell so hard for someone in my life. i can't count with my fingers how many crushes and eye-candies i've got in my life because it's a lot. and in that a lot, only one stood out and had me hooked so deep that i can't unhook myself. it feels like woojin went fishing and i got caught into his bait because i'm so hooked into him. but i feel otherwise too because i'm really lucky to have caught the nicest fish in the pond. i would forever be greatful to god for the blessing me with a fate to meet someone like woojin.

i honestly don't know if someone has felt the same way as me before but you would know when you meet the right one. it's the rarest feeling in this world, so if you felt it in a person, don't let go. go for it. i met woojin and i lost him. woojin, the only person that would me feel that way, i lost him. i never regret anything so much that i'm just stoned. i just felt like i lost the purpose in my life. even if i try to find someone else, i know i would naturally go back to woojin. no matte how the world hides him from me, i would still think of him every now and then. 

ding dong the doorbell rings and i wiped off the tears that have escaped moments ago. and 30 minutes just passed by like that.

i walked to the door with my purse on hands. i was greeted with a smiling young boy around his youth age carrying a plastic bag.

"delivery" he says as he holds up the bag. i took out my money and exchanged it for the food. he waves goodbye and i smile at him.

i put down the food and opened a can of beer almost immediately. i drank the whole can in one go to drown myself in the 5% alcohol ingredient in the beer. it stings my throat badly. i'm so emotionally exhausted that i would rather not go there because my heart aches too much to even think of anything more. i ate a few chicken pieces and more beer.

i passed out after the beer. mostly because i'm really tired and it's too much for me to handle. beer took part too because i'm a super lightweight. i can never handle beverages with alcohol.

i wish everything ends right now.

[ no joke, i cried while writing. anyways, vote and comment ]

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