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three years..

a renovation happened in three years. i was accepted into seoul hospital. i was the head of the neurology department and i made it big.

im not tryna say that im actually fit for all departments but thats why im tryna say hehe but being a neurologist or cardiologist pays really well compared to the others because operating on the head or heart is a major thing for a person's life so like all the money comin into the bank yo $$$$$$$$

well they gave me a choice on which department i wanted to go and since neurology department lacked a department head, i took up the place. holy shit imagine being in the top paying department and then youre the head???? MANI MONEY MONEYYYYYY~~~$$$$$$$$$

wanna one decided to stay as a permanent group. woojin and daehwi terminated their contract with brand new music and is still with wanna one.

wanna one really is doing well. still famous and breaking records after records. being crowned artist of the year in MAMA last year, just 2 years after debut.

and i have been secretly admiring park woojin oppa from a far.

i went to their concert in seoul. amazing experience! and i bought all their albums! and guess what?

woojin oppa and i must have been so fated. i actually got his photocards for all the albums i bought <3 sO FATEDDDDDDD ^^

however, wanna one... most of them were all suddenly prone to illness... most of them were admitted to the hospital.. mostly was because of their lack of nutrient intake and a variety of infection here and there on the body..

the public was basically going wild every single time, and guess what again? whenever one member of wanna one gets admitted to the hospital, i can already say bye bye to going home after the goddamn amount of surgeries. so technically, i forced to sleep in the staff's lounge again.

and why? because the basement is always crowded with reporters and the entrance are always blocked with fans. and by blocked, it meant no space. legit. fans are pushing against the doors.

even police cant control them. whenever a patient came, it took really slow to bring them in because of the space required which was obviously not achieved because of the fans. sigh..

but whatever. back to my boring lifeu, i was going to a meeting with all the head of the departments with the CEO of the hospital. not a rare occasion because your girl right here, is the head of neurology department and i have to see the CEO every week for updates shiz and all those bullcraps.

he probably wanna ask about the progression on the patients and how is the department doing. but he actually held a meeting yesterday already.. so i guess another update??? now, thats a rare occasion. he must be in good mood.

i sat with my other head department friends on the front row. hehehe i actually made friends despite my awkwardness during the first time we met. but heh, all of us were friends since our day one at seoul medical school. and now, all of us have become the head of departments. your best friend goals peeps^^

" ah-- i just got out of my surgery that lasted for 5 hours and now im here sitting for meeting when i can just sleep. i have 3 hours til i go for my next surgery " my friend, head of orthopedic department, said as she massages the back of her neck.

" hey! i have surgery in one hour you know. really annoying because some of my patients kept insisting for appointments though i told them they have no problem " my other friend, head of gastroenterology, said and she rolled her eyes in frustration. and i, just laughed it because..

i had surgery for 10 hours straight because i had 2 surgery right beside each other and i couldnt walk at all after all that standing. and i have to attend this meeting and go for another surgery. i didnt wanna tell them because they might think im boasting hehe but this industry is goddamn tiring as fakkk.

the CEO came in a few seconds later and stood in front of all of us.

" i just need to question one thing. " he started.

" who here..... likes wanna one? " he looks up for response.

i wanna burst into laughter but everyone seemed so serious and im too tired to laugh. why the heck is he calling all the head to have a meeting to ask that silly non related to health question?????

all of the heads except the head of dermatology and i raised up their hands. but.... I LOVE WANNA ONEEEE!!

should i raise up my hands? no? yes? but i LOVE them not LIKE them.... yes???? no??? yes!

" okay those who raised up can leave now. Ms Lee and Mr Kang, please stay here " the CEO says right before i raised my hands hands.

everyone screamed silently in relief that they have time to rest and do whatever they want.

curse myself for raising too slow.

" Mr Kang, tell me why you dont like wanna one? " CEO started just as when the others left.

" I think wanna one is overrated sir.. " he answers with pride. The CEO nods in acknowledgement.

" how about you Ms Lee? " he looks at me.

" wanna one? i dont really know them. i just know they are a kpop group and some of the members comes in for checkup. im not interested in kpop groups and i cant be swayed by them, now that i have my job to keep. " i lied. yes way to go. the CEO nods in an impressing expression.

" Mr Kang, you may take your leave now. " the CEO says and Mr Kang takes his leave quietly.


but what the heck though? is he like gonna come at me because i said i dont like wanna one or something? what the heck????

i wanna tell him that i have surgery in 30 minutes times and i wanna get excused if hes just gonna talk some random shits about wanna one but my mouth cant cooperate. zz

" okay, Ms Lee, we have to keep this thing as a secret okay " Mr Kwon says.

" okayyy??? " i rest my back on the chair, slouching with crossed arm and legs.

[ 150 reads for chapter two? ]

secretly admiring ; park woojinWhere stories live. Discover now