Chapter 10 - About The Boy

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I never really felt this way about someone before. Am I in love? Or is it just because he made me feel protected and safe? I don't really know, but whatever this feeling was, it was great.

The girls and I were practicing for the semifinals, it was intense because we had some real competition. "Don't worry girls, we'll be okay, I know we got this", Jade said. We were all really nervous about this, what if we don't win? Will everything be over? Wait no I hope not because One Direction won third place. Wait One Direction, Zayn is in One Direction, ohhh Zayn. Wait why am I thinking about him? Um what am I doing? I'm not supposed to be thinking about him. I don't like him remember?

"Perrie? Are you okay?", Jesy said. I finally snapped out of it.

"Wha-What?", I said. Then the girls were looking at each other & smiling. I look at them so innocently.

"Awwww someone is thinking about a boy", Leigh-Anne said.

"What are you guys talking about? I don't like him, management wanted us to date, remember?", I said.

"Come on Perrie, there's nothing wrong with really liking Zayn. Isn't he a sweet guy? He was actually there for you when you got all that hate from his fans", Jade said. She was right, they caught me anyways so I might as well just let it out.

"Okay you girls are right, I'll let it out.... YES I LIKE ZAYN", I shouted and then we started screaming and they started hugging me and we just got excited.

Later that day we decided to make a little slumber party tonight so we went to the closest store and we bought our supplies like sleeping bags, cookies, chocolate, movies, candy, popcorn, etc. We decided to go to the nearest nearby store. Jade was in charge of the food, Jesy was in charge of the sleeping, Leigh-Anne was in charge of the candy and chips, and I was in charge of the movies. I'm horrible at choosing movies, I can't choose! So I went to the aisle where the DVDs are. While I was looking through some I saw two familiar boys, one was tall and had curly dark brown hair, the other boy had curly or straight hair I couldn't tell. I remember I saw them somewhere, X-Factor maybe? Nope, they're not competing. Oh well, anyways I was searching through some movies until felt someone come behind me and the familiar voice said my name, "Hello Ms. Edwards".

I turned around quickly and screamed, until I saw it was Zayn. I was trying to catch my breath. "Don't ever do that again, you almost gave me a heart attack", I said and then I turned around again.

Zayn chuckled and said, "I don't think you wouldn't, you're too young to have that", he said as walked through the other side of the aisle.

"Oh so now you're a doctor?", I said chuckling.

"No, I just assume but I did read it on the internet once", he said looking at me.

I looked back at him and gosh those big hazel eyes give me the goose bumps. "Oh so you believe everything on the internet is true?" I asked while I was walking still looking through the DVDs and he followed.

"Not everything", he said. I know what he meant by that. The rumors the media gives to celebrities, especially to teenage celebrities like One Direction. I understood what he meant by that.

"Right", I said stilling looking at the DVDs.

"What kind of movies are you looking for love?", he asked.

"Um well the girls and I are having a slumber party tonight so I'm in charge at finding the movies, but I don't know if to find a scary one", I said.

"You should", Zayn said as he was looking through some DVDs himself, finally he found one and he handed to me from the other aisle. "Here, this one is pretty scary", he said.

I looked at the title and the picture and it looked pretty scary that the girls will hate me for not sleeping ten days straight type y of movie.

I laughed and said, "do you want the girls to hate me?" We both finally made to the end of the aisle.

"No, who would hate you? You're amazing", he said. I looked at him surprise at what he said. We were both now looking into each other's eyes for a couple seconds. It was a nice moment.

"Hey Zayn", a voice called through Zayn's aisle, it was the curly haired boy I saw earlier. Zayn finally looked and smiled.

"Hey Harry", Zayn said as he gave him the handshake, you know the one that guys do.

"Are you looking looking for some movies for when we go on tour?", Harry asked.

"No I saw Perrie I started to talk to her here", Zayn said.

Harry finally looked at me and waved and said, "Hello love nice to meet you Perrie".

I laughed and waved back, "Hi Harry, nice to meet you too".

"Well I guess I'll be at the electronics area with Liam, I'll see you there Zayn", Harry said. I assumed the other boy he was with was Liam.

"Alright mate, see you there", Zayn said.

"Bye Perrie", Harry said as he was leaving.

"Bye Harry", I said chuckling, then Harry left.

"So you're going on tour then?", I asked Zayn.

"Yes we are, but just the UK, then later on Europe, then later on America", he said, now looking at me again.

"Wow that's great!", I said. But inside I was torn apart because I will really miss him.

"Yes, it's going to be after the X-Factor final, so I'll see you preform", he said smiling.

"That's if we make it", I said.

"What do you mean if?", he asked.

"I don't know, we have a huge competition and I don't know if we will make it", I said.

"You guys will, you girls have amazing voice and talent, don't put yourself down like that", he said.

I smiled at that and said, "yes but what if we don't make it first place, and it's all over?".

"The lads and I made it to third place, and look at us now", he said. He was right, I mean I just gotta have faith.

I looked at him and smiled,"Yes you're right. Thank you".

Zayn unexpectedly kissed me on the forehead, his warm lips on my forehead. And he finally said, "Welcome Ms. Edwards, I should probably get going but, watch the scary movie, trust me you girls will love it, so see you soon?".

I smiled and said, "Sure". And without even thinking about it I kissed him on the cheek, on his nice cheek.

Zayn smiled wide, he probably was expecting that either, and he left with his lads and I left with my girls.


So the girls and I finally came home and organized everything at JJ's room (we decided to call it that because you know, Jade and Jesy). And 6 candy bars, 3 bags of popcorn, 4 bags of chips, and 3 romantic-comedy movies later, we finally put on the scary movie that Zayn recommended me. Popcorn kept flying in the air and you could hear screaming every 30 seconds, I thought it was funny. The girls including I were so close together with blankets around us. "THIS IS THE SCARIEST MOVIE EVER OH GOSH PERRIE", the girls shouted.

I just laughed really loud and said, "Thank Zayn". And they kept screaming and I kept laughing.

There is just something about him, Zayn. I'm falling in love, and I don't even know if it's good or not, maybe management aren't so bad after all. There's just something about the boy.

Author's Note: Yes I got the chapter title idea from Little Mix's song "About the Boy". :)

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