Chapter 4 - Meeting the Boyband

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Today was the day that One Direction will prefrom tonight. I was a little nervous because I heard that in so little time they achieved a lot. I wished that this would would happen to Rhythmix (the name of our group). 

"Okay guys One Direction will be here soon!", Jesy said. "I still don't understand what's everyone's obession with them", I said. "You'll see when you meet them", Leigh-Anne said. I guess they won't be that bad, only one way to find out. 


First preformers of the night was One Direction. When the host announced them the crowd went wild. I never seen the crowd scream and go wild for a group ever! I guess they are just super famous. When they preformed everyone went crazy. I got to admit they are really good. Their preformance was amazing. I'll admit now i understand why everyone is so obessed with them. 

After their preformance it was our chance to meet them. "Okay you guys this is our chance", Leigh-Anne said. The girls seemed so excited about this. Not me. I was just acting normal like usual. 

The boys came and the girls acted all nervous and excited. 

"Well hello there", Harry said. 

"Hi Harry", The girls said giggling. I just rolled my eyes.

"Well hi guys, I'm Perrie", I said shaking the boys hands one by one. 

"Hello Perrie", they all said.

"And this is Leigh-Anne, Jade, and Jesy", I said pointing the girls.

"Sweet, you guys are Rhythmix right?", Louis said. 

"Yes. Yes we are", Jade said.

"Well not anymore girls", someone said behind us. We turned around and it was a man and a woman. 

"Hello girls we are going to be your management for the rest of your career", the woman said.

"Hey its you guys", Harry said chuckling. 

"They are your mangement too?", Jesy asked. 

"Yeah they are", Louis said.

"Yes, we are going to be your management for the both groups. All right girls we decided to change your name to Little Mix now", the man said.

"What? No, you can't change our name. We picked it out ourselves", Leigh-Anne said.

"Yes and that's cute and all but I think its better if you guys change your name because we feel that it will attract more fans", the woman said.

"We don't care about attracting fans. We just wanna do what we love to do which is, singing", Jade said.

"Now girls, in this business we have to do this kind of stuff. And besides look at you girls. You guys are almost there. We just need to make a few changes here and there like Leigh-Anne when she had to cut her hair and now look at you girls, you girls are almost in the finals", the man said.

"Well I guess you're right", We all said.

"Yes of course. Now excuse us for a moment", the managements said as they stood aside and started talking.

"Management", said Louis. 

"All they always going to control our life?", I asked.

"No not really. This is just how the business works", Zayn said. Next thing you know management came quickly.

"That's it!" the woman said. 

"What is it?", I asked. 

"Zayn and you are going to date. Yes that could just work", the woman said.

"What? No! I don't want to date him. I just met him", I said.

"But think about it. You guys will have more publicity which means more chances of winning because think about it, One Direction is pretty bug right now. So I think it would be cute if you guys dated", she said. I looked at Zayn. I did not want this. I did not want to date someone I don't really like. This is ridiculous. 

"Do we really have to do this?", Zayn asked. 

"Yes, You guys will go on a date in a few days. You guys have to act like you guys really like each other", she said.

" So like acting?", I asked.

"Yes. Like acting. Now you boys have to tweet about how great Little Mix is and you guys have to pursuade your fans to vote for them. Okay? Okay, now we have to go, I better see you two together in a few days", she said.

I can't believe this. I have to be with someone I don't like. This is awful. Now I really wish I didn't have to do this. 

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