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"One problem at a time Mitch." As Jackson says this the plane smashes through the barrier and we all run for cover. Mitch taking Clem and Jamie, Abe taking Dariela, and Jackson taking me. When we run out of the way of the rubble Jackson and I hide behind a small concrete wall.

I look over to Jackson and shake my head, "you'd better know what you're doing, Oz."

As soon as the plane stops and the rubble clears everyone runs into what's left of the barrier as the hybrids start to attack. When everyone we can get inside is inside they close to the doors and work on starting evacuating as best they can. Although Garrison thinks it's safest inside the barrier while the hybrids are passing. Clem is still worried about the baby, as is everyone else. But soon Abigail contacts Jackson again.  "She sent us her coordinates, but she only wants Clem, Kat, and I to go."

"Why just the three of us?" I shake my head.

"Does it matter?" Clem asks, "Let's go get my baby."

"Clem, it could be a trap." Mitch protests, "When has Abigail been someone to trust?"

"We don't have time to think about that." Clem looks from Mitch to Jackson, "Let's go."

Jackson and I look at each other and nod, "Okay, let's go."

We head out to the coordinates Abigail has sent us, we find there aren't hybrids once we are a few miles for the barrier. Not one. We fought through what felt like hundreds of them. But now none. I look over to Jackson who is driving the Jeep, "why aren't there any hybrids?"

"I don't know, but I don't like it."

"Maybe they are all trying to get past the barrier?" Clem comments as I look back to her.

"Hey, Clem." Jackson glances back to her in the mirror, "if I don't make it out of here, there is something I need you to tell Sam."

"Why do you need to tell Sam something?"

"Well, it turns out Sam is my son."

"Wait what? Are you serious? I didn't know you and Kat had a baby."

"We didn't. We haven't even known each other long enough to have a child as old as you and Sam. But I had a family before I met Kat and Abigail had been planning this before you were even born."

"The woman is dominated." I shake my head.

When we arrive at the building, it appears to be an abandoned school. As we enter the building Jackson and I lead Clem, checking every doorway, room, and hallway, until we find Abigail. When we find her we are in a far classroom. "I was wondering how long it would take you to get here." Abigail turns and smiles, as she holds the little one in her arms, wrapped in a blanket. "It took you longer then I thought since you had a clear path."

"Abigail, just give us the baby. Your hybrids are East of the barrier, just like you asked." Jackson speaks to Abigail as I look around.

Abigail shakes her head as she clicks her tongue, "but how long will that last? Now please, put down your weapons."

"No." I deny, rather loudly.

"Time is ticking away and it doesn't seem like you have the time to fight with me."

"Just give us the baby."

"Why?" Abigail smiles over to me, "so my brother can have yet another chance to have a family? The family that I never got to have and that your father-in-law took away from you. Jackson's had his chances and he's failed to protect his family, why give him another?" I step forward and Abigail pulls out a gun pointing it at us. "Now now, let's all behave like adults here. I mean who has more to lose here?" She looks down at the little one, "you or me?"

"Jackson's protected his family more times then you can imagine," Clem shouts as I step in front of her.

Jackson and I lower our guns, sitting them on the floor, "Abigail, we will do what you ask just give us the baby." Jackson puts his hands up and slowly steps toward his sister.

Abigail turns and lays the little one on a chair. As she turns her back I run at her, knocking her over, "Get the baby!" I shout as I begin fighting with Abigail. The two of us try to get to the gun before the other but keeps pulling the other back.

Abigail gets close, but I force her back by elbowing her in the rib. Abigail elbows me in the face as I reach for the gun, soon Abigail gets to it and stands over me, pointing it at me. Before she can pull the trigger Jackson tackles her knocking the gun out of her hands and it lands at my feet. Eventually, I get a clear shot at Abigail and I take it. Putting an end to this once and for all.

Jackson looks up to me shocked as his sister falls before him. When he gets over to me the two of us fall onto our knees, as we hug one another, tightly. "Jackson... I..."

"Sh... you did what you had to do...." Jackson pulls away and looks into my eyes. "Let's get Clem and the baby back to Abe."

I nod and look around. I hadn't noticed it at the time but Clem had taken the baby and retreated to the hall. We manage to get the little one back to the barrier and to Abe before it is time for the little ones shot, but only by a few minutes. I smile over to Clem as she holds the baby after his shot, "You know the little guy still needs a name."

"Yeah, we can't call him Barrier Baby forever can we?"

"No, we really can't."

"So how's it feel being a stepmom and a grandmother?"

I shake my head, "not gonna lie, it hasn't really sunk in yet. I went from thinking I'd never have a child to being a stepmother and grandmother in less than a day, so give me a couple more hours."

Clem chuckles and nods, "I think I wanna name the baby Parker. Since that was Sam's last name."

"Are you not going to take Sam's last name?"

"No, I don't think so, I think we are going to continue the Morgan name. What do you think of Max for a middle name?"

"I think that is a perfect middle name."

"Parker Max Morgan." Clem smiles down at the little one, "What do you think about that?"

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