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My due date had drawn closer and closer, of course, Jackson had become more and more anxious, both of us had. We had everything we needed for the little one, clothes, an old car seat, a crib, blankets, toys, the baby's room is set up, and everything is ready. But we still feel like something is missing. Maybe it's the lack of parental help on both sides, other then Abe and Dariela, but it would be nice to get some advice from my parents or Jackson's mother.

Another thing that is making Jackson extremely anxious are the braxton hicks contractions I've been having. I thought I'd seen that man scared when we were fighting animals, hybrids, the shepherds, his father, and his sister, but that heals in comparison to the look of terror and worry when he thought I went into labor early. Both of us were terrified. I can't wait to meet the little one and our new little niece or nephew.

Dariela and I had finally convinced the boys to head out for the day, Mitch and Jamie had come up to visit so the boys went out to have fun, while the girls stayed at home and relaxed, Jamie and Mitch had gotten together once everything had ended. Of course, that wasn't a surprise to anyone, the two of them have been in love since our first mission.

"So, how are you two holding up?" Jamie asks, curling up on Dariela's couch with a mug of hot chocolate. Hot chocolate being Dariela's and my drink of choice since we can't drink coffee.

Dariela shrugs her shoulders, "We've been alright. Exhausted but it's nothing I haven't experienced before."

"Exhaustion is nothing compared to the hunger." I chuckle.

"I can imagine," Jamie laughs.

"It's too bad that mutation didn't give me this metabolism on steroids." As I laugh, I get a sharp pain in my side.

As I lean forward Jamie does as well, "Whoa, are you okay?"

"Yeah," I nod, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, yeah, Just give me a second."

As I take a few deep breaths the pain gets worse. As I whence Dariela stands, "okay, let's get you up and see if that helps."

Jamie and Dariela help me to my feet and the three of us start pacing back and forth across the living room, "maybe we should call the guys?"

Dariela shakes her head, "No, Abe would never leave my side if we do that for a false alarm."

I nod, "And Jackson is stressed enough as it is." As we continue to walk the pain goes away and I look over to Dariela, "That wasn't a false alarm."

"When is your due date?"

"In like a week."

Dariela nods, "Alright, Jamie we need you to drive us to the hospital. I'll call them and let them know we are on our way."

The three of us head out and make our way to the hospital, which is about 30 minutes away on the main streets, with traffic, and stop lights. The boys are probably about 45 minutes away since they are out on their trip doing who knows what.When we get to the hospital the doctors admit me immediately. Once I'm in a room I turn to Dariela. "Call the guys, get them here now."

Dariela nods and pulls out her phone. Jamie walks over to the bed, "Do you need anything?"

I take a deep breath, trying to breath through another contraction, "Water. Ice."

Jamie nods, "you got it."

Dariela is impatiently tapping her foot while she waits for Abe to answer his phone. Finally, after a few failed calls, he answers, "Abe. Hey, I need you to drop Isaac off at my sisters and get to the hospital as soon as you can. Everyone is fine, but you guys better get here if Jackson wants to witness the birth of his child."

Dariela pulls the phone from her ear and I can hear all four of the boys speaking in unison, "What?!"

"You heard me, just get him here." Dariela hands the phone to me, "Jackson wants to talk to you."

"Hello?" I take the phone.

"Hey, baby, this had better not be some cruel joke." Jackson chuckles.

I laugh softly, "It's not, you need to get here as soon as you can."

"We are leaving the campground as we speak, I'll be there soon. I love you."

"I love you, too." I chuckle, "now, hurry."

About forty minutes later I see the boys literally jump out of the elevator across the lobby area. Dariela heads out of the room and Jackson runs past her into the room and up to me, "Kat." he smiles softly to me, placing a hand on my head. At this point I am exhausted, "Hey, how are you doing?"

I smile weakly, "do you remember when we stayed up for two days trying to find that pride of lions when we first met?"

"Yeah, Why?"

"Do you remember how tired we were after that?"

"Yeah, I do. We slept for almost 16 hours."

"That is nothing compared to the tired I feel right now."

Jackson laughs softly and places his forehead against mine. As he does I hear Mitch from the doorway, "You two still look like lions when you do that."

Jackson turns to Mitch and the two of us laugh. Jackson turns back to me, "What can I say? Lions are what brought us together."

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