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A few months later, the weather had turned cold. Snow had fallen and stuck to the ground. I have to admit it was a rather nice change from the African heat. I haven't seen a white Christmas in almost fifteen years. I'm looking forward to having a real Christmas with own the whole family again. Abe and Dariela had another little boy and named him Joshua. Isaac was extremely excited about being a big brother and an uncle. I think he is just excited to have future pay mates, although by the time the boys are six, Isaac will be sixteen and I don't think he will be interested in playing with the boys as much then.

Jamie and Mitch had moved into a house a few towns over, once Jamie had tracked down who she believed to be the last of the Shepherds. Mitch had started teaching again, once he got caught up on everything. Clementine and Sam are still as free-spirited as they can be for two twenty-two-year-olds with a toddler. Parker is a spitting image of Sam with Clementine's attitude, he is already stubborn and pig-headed.

"Geez! It's cold out there." Jackson opens the door, having been putting up the last of our Christmas stuff outside.

I smile over to him, walking into the living room, from the kitchen, and handing him some hot chocolate as he takes off his coat, "I'm not the one who wanted until the last minute to put up all the decorations."

Jackson hangs his coat on the rack, before brushing the snow out of his hair. "I know, I shouldn't have waited this long," Jackson takes the cup out of my hands, "But I forgot up here the snow starts a lot earlier."

"compared to the huge amounts of snow we get later on in the Botswanian winters," I smirk over to Jackson and chuckle.

"Ha ha, very funny." Jackson smiles and take a sip of his drink. "Hey, I was thinking we should take Logan to the Christmas thing up in the mall this afternoon. What do you think?"

I smile, "I think that is a great idea. At the very least it will get us out of the house."

Jackson nods, "great. I'll get little man ready."

I shake my head, "No, you stay here and warm up, I'll get him ready." I smile as I put up Logan out of his playpen and head back into his room to get him changed and ready.

When the three of us head out to the mall the streets are empty, Jackson is being extremely careful as we drive along since the roads are a little slick due to the snow and ice. When we arrive at the mall, there are only about fourteen or fifteen cars in the guest parking. I'm glad it looks like it is dead inside, I don't want to take Logan into somewhere that is going to overwhelm him during his first Christmas. When we walk in with Logan in his stroller, we look around and see all the different Christmas decoration all over the place. "Wow," Jackson chuckles, "they really go all out."

I nod and look around, "Yeah, they do." As we walk around a bit, Logan starts to get fussy sitting in his car seat. I stop and pick him up out of it, as Jackson and I switch places, Jackson now pushing the stroller. "Hey bubby, it's okay." I bounce Logan as we continue to walk.

Eventually, he claims down, but since I had been carrying him through most of the mall, my arms are getting tired, "here, let me hold him for a little while." Jackson smiles over to me and takes Logan. Logan smiles as he looks around as much as he can, pointing out different decorations on the walls and ceiling. He seems to be having fun, so does Jackson as he talks to Logan about what he is pointing out. I don't know how I got so lucky. To have a man I love and a beautiful baby boy.

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