What Are We Up Against?

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Weeks feel likes months while waiting for our second little one to come along. I can't wait to meet them and see if we are going to have another little boy or we get a little girl. Jackson is doing what he did when I was pregnant with Logan and he is being very protective and trying to make sure that I don't do anything that I don't absolutely have to. I can't blame him, after trying to have a family for so long I don't want anything to go wrong either, but at this point in my pregnancy if something was going to happen, it would have already.

Although, I will say this pregnancy is harder then the last. I thought it should have gotten easier then the first time since I know what to expect. It seems like I've had more morning sickness, I've had less energy, and I've gained more weight then I did with Logan. That and it seems like this little more is much more active then Logan was. Maybe it's just because of my age? I don't' know.

One morning when I woke up, I feel extremely sick and spend thirty minutes to an hour in the bathroom. I hear Logan wake up and start calling out of Jackson or I to come get him. Soon after I hear Jackson get up, "I got him."

I sit on the side of the tub, with my head in my hands, feeling horrible. After a little while I hear Jackson and Logan in the bedroom, playing. One I feel a small bit better, I get up and head back into the bedroom. "Good morning." I smile over to the boys.

Jackson looks over to me, smiling, "hey, you feeling alright?"

I nod, "yeah, I'm alright. Just some morning sickness."

"Shouldn't that be over by now?"

"You'd think, right?"

"Well, we're almost done." Jackson smiles up to me and takes my hands as I walk over to the bed, "and then, we get to met this little one."

"One?" I chuckle, "at this point I think I'm having twins."

Jackson laughs, "Well, we've fought mutated animals, hybrids, and saved the world at least three times. I think we can hand three kids."

"Can we?" I shake my head and sit on the bed.

"As long as we are together, we can handle anything."

I smile and nod, as Jackson leans back against his pillow with Logan in his arm, "yeah, you're right."

"Isn't that right buddy?" Jackson tickles Logan and he laughs so hard you'd think he's going to burst.

I shake my head and laugh, "I just can't wait to meet them, even if it's so we know what we're up against."

"I know." Jackson nods, "But whatever it is, we will get through it together. We always do."

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