Baby Number Two

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It doesn't take long for the Oxytocin to kick in and my contractions get closer and closer together. Before long the Doctors and Nurses get things prepped for delivery, Jackson holding my hand the whole time. "Alright, Katherine." The Doctor smiles, "are you ready to have this baby?"

I nod and smile, "let's do it."

My delivery takes about twenty minutes once everything is started, but when everything is over I don't hear the cry I heard when we had Logan. I hear nothing. As I look down I see the doctor and nurses rushing around the baby. I look over to Jackson who, while I can tell he is scared, is trying to detract me, "it's gonna be okay."

I nod and place a hand on his check as he places his forehead against mine, "it's gonna be okay."  Jackson kisses my forehead, holding my close to his chest as we wait. We wait for what seems like hours, before we hear a faint cry. As we do, Jackson and I both gasp loudly.

The Doctor turns to us with the baby in his hands, "Mr. And Mrs. Oz, I'd like you to met your baby girl."

Jackson falls back into the chair that's behind him. His mouth open as if he is in disbelief. "Baby girl?" He asks softly.

The Doctor hands the baby to me and I smile down to her. "Hi," i sniff softly, having been crying a minute ago. "I'm you're Mommy. Hi." I chuckle softly. I fell Jackson's hand on my shoulder, "this is your Daddy." I lift her a bit so Jackson can see her.

"Just as beautiful as your mother."

"No," I shake my head, "she's breath taking." I chuckle.

I look over to Jackson who kisses me. "I gotta go tell Abe and Dariela."

I nod, "go."

Jackson hurries out of the room and I look back down to the baby, who is already gripping my finger with her tiny little fingers, "hi, Chloe." I chuckle through my tears.

I know it's been over thirteen years since Chloe and Elizabeth passed away. But I feel the pain of losing them all again. But I also feel that they are here with me right now, meeting Chloe Elizabeth Oz, just as I am and watching over Jackson and I, with love.

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