Rescue and Relief

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When Sam is finally willing to listen to Jackson, I leave the two of them alone to talk. I head into the control room and meet with Dariela. "How far have they gotten?"

Dariela turns to me, then back to the large map on the display screen, "they just got through Colorado and are in Kansas. Thanks to Jackson we didn't have time to evac anyone, but we did get notice to some of the bases before the hybrids got there."

I nod and sigh, "Hopefully, they can get those people to safety."

"What was he thinking?"

"I don't know. But we got the baby back so maybe something good will come out of this chaos."

"How is the little one and Clem?"

"They're fine. Clem is just happy to have the baby back, the little one isn't happy to be getting shots but I'm sure he's glad to be back with his mom."

"Has she thought of a name for him yet?"

I nod, "I think, she settled on Parker Max Morgan."

"Morgan? Not Lewis or Parker?"

"Well, Parker Parker would sound like a law firm and I think Clem is going to keep Lewis even if she and Sam get married or anything of the sort."

"Yeah, that sounds about like Clem." Dariela looks over to me. "I wonder what would have happened had Max let us raise Clem."

I shake my head, "I don't think it would have turned out so differently. We may have stopped Abigail sooner since I'm sure Clem would have followed Jackson and I West of the barrier."

"Maybe you're right."

"Let's not focus on that. With the little one back you and Abe could have another baby."

"And you and Jackson could start a family of your own."

I shake my head, "I don't think so. We need to worry about everyone East of the barrier and clearing the Oz name before we start a family. I mean first the Ozs are blamed for the animals, then for sterility, and now Jackson will be blamed for letting Hybrids East of the barrier." I scoff softly, "the only thing he's actually done."

Dariela places a hand on my arm, "Kat, you can do all that at one time. There is no reason for you and Jackson to wait any longer of something you both deserve and have wanted as long as I've known you."

"I won't be able to help people East of the barrier if I'm pregnant."

"Not to eavesdrop on your conversation, ladies." I turn as I hear Garrison, "But I would like to offer two of you positions leading the rescue and relief teams on this end. I'd also like to ask Abraham and Jackson to lead the teams in the field."

Dariela crosses her arms, "so we plan, they execute."

Garrison nods, "Exactly, if you would be up for it."

"I'd rather be in the field, but I don't know that I want anyone else guiding boys." I look over to Dariela.

Dariela nods, "I agree. We'll lead the teams."

"Fantastic," Garrison claps his hands together.

I head out of the control center and try to find Abe or Jackson. Jackson is still with Sam, talking about Sam's mother, his grandfather, and Sam's childhood. "So my grandfather started this whole thing with the help of Abigail and then Abigail created the hybrids to try and return the planet to the animals?"

I walk over to the two of them, "welcome to the family. Although if you were raised by a shepherd couple around Abigail and Robert, you never really left it. Jackson, I need to talk to you."

"About what?" Jackson steps up off the bed and walks over to me, just a few feet away from Sam's bed.

"Garrison wants Dariela and I to lead recuse and relief teams from the inside and he wants you and Abe out in the field."

"Who wants Jackson and I where?" I turn to see Abe.

"Garrison wants you and Jackson to work in the field on rescue and relief, while Dariela and I work in the control room of the closest base."

"That sounds like a great team." Abe smiles.

Jackson nods, "We've saved the world twice already, what's one more time?"

"Three times." Abe comments, "I managed to get the cure from Parker."

Sam calls out to us, "Is that what Clem named the baby? Parker?"

I nod, "Parker Max, after you and his grandfather."

"Now all that's left for the cure is to test it." Abe looks from me to Jackson, "I need two willing test subjects."

Jackson looks over to me, "What do you say? Think you could be pregnant while saving the world, again?" I look around and Jackson takes my hands, "I promise it will end better this time."

Abe nods, "We have the equipment to make sure that you won't miscarry again before I give you the injections."

Jackson nods, "And we can get you checked out as often as you want."

I take a deep breath and nod, "okay, let's do it."

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