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A few more months had passed and Logan was extremely excited to be a big brother. The boys have been running me all over the place getting ready for the baby. Jackson is doing exactly what he did with Logan, he is being overprotective and all around underfoot. One Saturday we wake up way late even for us, awoken by Logan shouting from his room. We normally wake up before him, but for some reason we slept in extra late today.

Jackson and I both wake up at the same time to Logan shouting, "Mommy... Daddy..."

Jackson looks over to me and puts a finger to his lips, "If we're quiet, maybe he'll go back to sleep."

"Mommy... Daddy... wake up..."

I chuckle and sit up, "I don't think that's gonna happen. That boy is as stubborn as his father. Plus it's ten, we should really get up."

"Yeah, you're right." Jackson nods and gets up as well. As I walk over to the door Jackson calls out, "hey."

I turn back to him, stopping at the door, "What?"

"You're a lot more stubborn than I am."

I chuckle, "In your dreams Oz." I shake my head and head down the hall to Logan's room. "Good morning, Mr. Sweet Face."

"Mommy!" Logan smiles up to me. He looks like a mini Jackson when he does that.

"How are you?" I pick him up and put him on my hip, "You couldn't let mommy and daddy sleep in a little more?"

"No." Logan shakes his head. I sigh before kissing his cheek.

"Hey," Jackson calls out from the door, "Since we slept in so late do you want to just go out for breakfast or lunch?"

"Why not. I'm not really in the mood to cook."

"Yeah, you haven't been lately have you?"

"Can you blame me? If I get any bigger I may burst."

"You're beautiful." Jackson smiles and walks over to Logan and I. "Want me to take him so you can get dressed?" I respond with a simple nod and smile as Jackson takes Logan. I head back to our bedroom and start getting dressed. Before long Jackson walks in and starts to get dressed, "Logan is playing in his room. I don't know how long that'll last so we'd better hurry."

I nod, "it's just breakfast so it's not like we have to put our best foot forward." I chuckle.

Jackson smiles as he throws on a t-shirt, a jacket, some jeans, tennis shoes and a cap. "You're right. But you always look beautiful no matter what you're wearing."

I shake my head, "I'm carrying your child, doesn't that make you bias."

"Extremely," Jackson nods, "But it doesn't mean I'm not right." Jackson walks over to me and gives me a soft kiss. "I love you, Katherine Oz."

"And I love you Jackson Oz."

The three of us finish getting ready and head to the nearby cafe for breakfast. It is pretty packed, but for a Saturday at 11 that is kind of expected. We get seated and get Logan set up in his high chair. It doesn't take long after we order our breakfast for our food to get there.

"This place is really officiant for being so busy." Jackson glances around.

I nod, "Well, they're in the middle of town, I imagine they're use to it."

"I guess you're right." Jackson smiles over to me and nods.

Logan is looking around and waving at anyone who looks at me, smiling his signature Oz smile. "He acts more and more like you everyday." I shake my head.

"And there's something wrong with that?" Jackson plays offended and chuckles.

"I don't know," I chuckle, "I've only loved you and put up with you for 13 years."

"You gotta love me a lot to do that. Especially after all we've been through." Jackson smiles, "But you know, when I look at Logan I see you more then me."

"Why is that?"

"He's so smart and charming." Jackson glances over to Logan.

"At least the charming part is from you." I chuckle.

"Nah, he gets all his charm from his Mamma." Jackson leans in and gives Logan a kiss on the head. Logan is still focused on the other dinners around the cafe. "But he is just like you."

I shake my head, "I see a mini you, Jackson." I chuckle.

"Well why is that?"

"He is confident and he is daring and fearless."

"See he gets the daring from you." Jackson smiles, "I'll take credit for the fearless. Although at my age I don't know if it's fearless or stupidity."

"Haven't we been trying to figure that out since our first year with everyone?"

"Yeah." Jackson nods and leans back in his chair. "Yeah, I guess we have."

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