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Once I agree to be one of Abe's willing volunteers we find a doctor who is able to check me out and make sure that I won't miscarry, again. But all the doctor is able to do is tell me what Abe and Jackson have been. 'You'll be fine.' 'The baby will be fine.' 'Most women have miscarriages during the first pregnancy.' And the main reason I miscarried was due to my mutation. But it doesn't ease my mind. Once the doctor leaves I look over to Jackson. Jackson knows what I'm thinking and before I can say anything stops me, "Everything will be fine. If you worry yourself you'll make something bad happen."

"I know but I can't go through that again, we can't. What if I'm just not meant to have children."

"Don't say that. Of course, you were meant to have children. Kat, you are one of the most maternal people on the planet. You've been a den mother to this group, you've been a there for everyone who needs you, and you deserve this more than anyone in the world."

"What about you, Jackson? People are gonna blame Jackson Oz for this."

Jackson nods, "yeah, they'll blame Jackson Oz. So I won't be Jackson Oz anymore. Jamie's program is still up, no one, other than the people who know the real story, knows I'm Jackson Oz. So we talk to Garrison about helping us change my name."

"To what?"

Jackson shrugs, "Well, we'd only need to worry about the last name right? There are plenty of Jacksons in the world."

"Not many of them are as good looking as you are."

"Yeah, well, we can change my last name to uh... Smith or Parker."

"Smith? You would change your name to my maiden name?"

"Yeah, why not? I am a Smith as much as you are an Oz."

"I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult. But I'm gonna choose to see it as a compliment."

"I don't know either. I meant it in a good way, but being an Oz isn't something to brag about."

A few months had passed since Jackson crashed the plane into the barrier and we had been injected with Abe's cure. Jackson and I had moved to Minnesota, close to Abe, Dariela and Isaac, working out of the base in the area. Every now and then the boys had to go out on what we referred to as tours. But they only lasted two weeks at most. But that didn't leave Jackson and I much time to try for a baby. But when Jackson is home we spend every minute we can together, snuggling on the couch, or dancing in the kitchen, like we used to do back home in Africa before we went into hiding and in Portland after. The two of us have also made a habit of seeing a doctor in the area once a month. Since the doctor knew about the cure that Jackson and I had been given, we were able to go free of charge. I think he just wanted to glory of being the doctor to take care of the first baby born in ten years.

"How long has it been since you two received the cure?" The doctor asks.

I look over to Jackson, "Two almost three months."

"And everything has been normal since then?"

"As far as I know it has been."

Jackson shakes his head and looks over to the doctor, "Why is something wrong?"

The doctor shakes his head, "No, not at all. In fact, I think the two of you will be very happy." The doctor smiles, "you two have conceived the first baby in ten years."

I shake my head, "I'm sorry. What?"

Jackson runs his hands over his face, "Are you sure? It wasn't a false positive or anything like that?"

The doctor shakes his head, "I ran the test four times. Same result every time."

I look over to Jackson, who is already standing and he pulls me into a tight hug. "Oh, my God."

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