Chapter 30

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"What The Fuck!" I shout when Luke and I emerge from the back room to find Michael and Calum going toe to toe and Ashton on the couch trying to stop Cass's nose bleed. Nose Bleed?

"Yo! What The Fuck Is Going On? What Happened To My Son?" Luke surprises me by saying when he comes out from behind me.

"Michael keeps fucking cheating and I'm gonna kick his teeth in if he doesn't quit it!" Calum spits and Michael scoffs.

"Yeah fucking right! You're just pissed because you're a shit player." He smirks and Calum lunges but Luke smacks them both behind the head.

"I Don't Give A Flying Fuck About Your Game. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY SON!" He snaps making them both flinch.

"Calum tripped over him to get to Michael and he hit his nose." Ashton rats and Calum spins to send him a glare.

My blood boils over and I start in on Calum. "You did what?" I grit my teeth and he takes a step back.

"It was an accident, I swear. Michael had Cass between us and he's so small I forgot he was there." Calum pleas but my vision starts to go red. I almost bloody pounce on the reckless idiot until like beats me to it pulling something even I've never seen.

He walks up between them almost unnoticed and pressure points their collar bones. This brings Both men straight to their knees and they look up at him silently begging for mercy. I've never seen Luke so livid before.

"I normally don't mind you idiots acting like god damned five year olds. Shit, more often than not I'd end up joining you. But you to should know better than to be so fucking careless when kids are around, especially since this one is My Son." His voice is so calm and stoic it sends chills down my spine. Is he the same way around his brother's kids? "Game over, put on a movie or something." He demands and my jaw slams to the floor when both men listen as if they were boys put in time out. Michael taking one end of the couch and Calum taking the other.

I was so caught up in this ordeal I hadn't even noticed Ashton got up to hand me my son.

My poor Cass with his little face and shirt still a bit blood stained stretched his arms out for me to take him which I do without hesitation. He buries himself into me as I carry him to the kitchen so I can clean off his face. Luke joins me mere seconds later, his face still fumming red.

"How is he?" He asks gently laying his hand on Cass's shoulder.

"He'll be okay, he just needs some ice and a wet rag." I answer honestly. By now Cass had stopped crying and become fascinated with the blood. Lifting the stained part of his shit to show me and almost laughing when I pulled the originally white but now blood covered rag from his face.

"What the hell? The boy acts like nothing ever happened I'm the first place." Like states in shock.

"I only cied a lil and the hurt went away! Look, mummy, it don't hurt!" He says dipping his little finger into his nose and pulling it out now painted over with his blood.

Luke's jaw smacks the floor and I almost double over in laughter. "He's very strong. Always has been. He prides himself on his recovery time. I knew he wasn't hurt, I was just pissed that your friends are what caused his scream. I learned pretty early on the he was as reckless as you and that if I continued being so over protective when he was exploring the world I'd give myself a heart attack. You just have to think of it like a switch, and know when to flick it on or turn it off." I explain and he nods.

"So how do you tell? Kids will always get into trouble, how do you know which problems require mama bear and which require a yuck dust off?" He asks. By now I'm all done cleaning my prideful little man up, though there's no way I'm getting the blood out of his shirt.

"Just watch and listen and you'll know." I assure him with a wink. A small tidbit of information but it's one he'll need to take note of now rather than later on.

Hey guys, I now it's been a while, sorry about that, a lot of things have happened to me lately and I just haven't been in the writing mood, I'm sure this chapter can testament to that. For another example I published a new story but immediately took it down because I was in such a bad place. But I'm better now and I'll try my best to get my schedule back up to par. Thanks for the reads, even if it's just one or two they all mean a lot. I hope you enjoy nonetheless and I'll see you in the next chapter!

P.S. I have a new story up, it's called A Life For A Life. Check it out if you get bored. Thank's and I love you all!

Pregnant By Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now