Chapter 46

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"Can't say I didn't tell you so. I told you to just ask her what she wanted. I told you to take it slower for her and you do the exact opposite. You went over there at 2am as narrow-minded as ever." Calum gloats as we step into the radio station. "I mean, did you just not listen to what I said? Dammit, how did you two ever get on back in the day?" I roll my eyes.

"Shut up, Calum." Ashton steps in the room sitting on the couch next to me. After this morning I've been hard work trying to put together a few words for this radio show were supposed to be doing today, so I'm not blindsided when they bring up my situation, but I keep veering off into things I want Emily to hear. Right now were about half an hour early so the petite girl with blue frame glasses and frosted tips told us to just wait in the this small lounge.

"What? I'm just saying if he would've listened to me he wouldn't be in this mess. I told him to just give her some space and talk with her when she's ready but instead what did he do? It's always onesided with him." He rolls his eyes.

"I said that's enough." He lurches forward in my defense.

"Much appreciated, Ash, but he's right. I waltzed in with my dick in my hand and made an idiot of myself. No wonder she doesn't want him calling me dad." I sigh. "I had no right to say what I did to her."

"Wait what?" I've gotten all of their attention, including Michael who's been pretty distant lately.

"I overheard Cass asking her why she doesn't want him calling me daddy anymore."

"And what did she say?" Ashton asks.

"She compared us to that old tortoise and heir book. She said I was the heir and that I was moving too fast for their forest."

"That's pretty deep." Michael finally speaks up. "At least she said you can still come visit him." He adds and I shake my head at him.

"Yeah but I don't just wanna be there for Cass, and have her believe I'm the in-and-out dad. I want to be there for both of them. But she's been avoiding me all day. I haven't even seen Bailey."

"Maybe she's just looking for space. She said you can see Cass when he gets out of school, what time is it?" Michael ask.

"It just turned 3:00." I respond.

"See, she should be texting you any min..."
"LUKE!" Bailey burst through the door looking completely disheveled.

"Bailey, what are you..."
"No Time! Emily...Cass, we need to get Cass!" He wheezes grabbing my arm and dragging me out. The others hot on my tail as we take the stairs down.

"No no no!" He whips back around to stop their pursuit. "You guys stay here! Tell Marc Luke left to handle some serious family business and leave it there but we gotta go!" He rushes his words before continuing to drag me.

"I'll Explain On The Way!" He cuts me off again but at least let's go so I don't keep tripping.

Pregnant By Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now