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Third-person POV
Lisa: o o Oppa we shouldn't be here.
Y/N: it's okay Lisa it's for temporary until the coast is clear. Is your ankle alright??
Lisa: ani but I'll manage.
Y/N: ani no I'll treat it. do you have your phone with you my phone is dead.
Lisa: ani Chaeyoung Unnie has my phone.
Y/N: crap I guess we have to stay here until tomorrow. here let me treat you I bought a first aid kid at the store.

Y/N places Lisa down and started to treat Lisa's ankle. Y/N was taking his time treating her very gently. Once Y/N looked up, their faces were a few inches apart. Lisa looked at Y/N's lips and so did Y/N with Lisa. No one pulled away from the intense staring contest. Soon the staring was gone as soon as they both started to lean in.


And closer.....

and closer..

and closer


Y/N stopped and took an eyelash from the corner of Lisa's eye. hehehe you guys thought

Y/N: you you had an eyelash
Lisa: *blushes* oh thanks...
Y/N: I think we need to get going the members may be worried.
Lisa: you're right but it's really late and we have no idea where we are
Y/N: true we can just stay here for the night if you want? I can fix it up a bit and make it comfortable.
Lisa: good idea we still have food from the store.
Y/N: sounds about right!! we need to start a fire first it's really cold. I'll go get some firewood.
Lisa: let me go with you it's scary to be here alone.
Y/N: alright let's go *holds out hand*
Lisa: *accepts hand*

Y/N and Lisa were put finding left over wood in the abandoned warehouse. They both collected enough and started to go back their ways back from where they started. Y/N made a small pile of wood and grabbed two piece of wood and started to rub them together really hard.

Lisa: *giggles* you look retarded
Y/N: I do not I'm starting the fire, I used to be in Boy Scouts and......
Lisa: and what??
Y/N: I I I used to go camping with jung Jungkook all the time before he became who he is now.
Lisa: really?? he was better before??
Y/N: yep way better but now I don't know what happened. but man this is tiring why isn't it starting!!
Lisa: oh remember we bought a lighter at the store since we were going to have korean bbq?
Lisa: lower your voice you don't want people to hear us
Y/N: sorry give it that

Y/N took the lighter and lit of the temporary campfire. Y/N gave Lisa all of the food and other equipment they bought from the store to cook, so Y/N could make the place comfortable.

Y/N: here can you start cooking please.
Lisa: luckily we bought ramen and a pot we would've been starving.

Y/N went to look around the warehouse only to come find out a huge blanket covering something. Y/N took off the blanket as bought it to Lisa.

Y/N: here keep yourself warm first I'll be back *wraps blanket around her*
Lisa: thank you Y/N/N
Y/N: no problem Lili

Y/N walked off and found nothing else to make them both at least comfortable, so Y/N walked back.

Y/N: there is nothing else in this place but a huge blanket like how.
Lisa: *laughs* it's okay here the food is done come eat.

Lisa and Y/N sat down around the campfire and sat their ramen in peace. Silence was filled in the atmosphere, until Y/N spoke up.

Y/N: I'm done eating
Lisa: me too
Y/N: just put the dishes over there.

As Lisa was on the way to put up the pots, Y/N stood up and walked away from the blanket and to the other side of the fire.

Lisa: what are you doing??
Y/N: I'll sleep here and you sleep there I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable.
Lisa: no it's fine plus it's really cold and there are not other blankets.
Y/N: are you sure?
Lisa: yes I did *opens blanket*
Y/N: *accepts offering*
Lisa: can I hug you??
Y/N: sure

Lisa grasped onto Y/N, making him move closer to her warm body, making Y/N mind so intended up. Y/N pulled Lisa closer to him just to keep warm.Y/N called Lisa's name making the younger look up to his eyes as they both stared at each other. Their eyes locked into each other's lips like last time. However this time, they didn't break the space. Y/N and Lisa leaned forward, to the point where they can feel their breaths on each other.





Sorry for not updating lol I'll trying to update on the weekend just really busy cause of school and finals yikes well thank you my lovely and handsome readers!!! I'm going to sleep right now so goodnight!!

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