My subconscious was failing me as I was falling. I knew I was falling. I thought I was falling. I couldn't feel the ground beneath me but there was this pressure against my back that I just couldn't explain...
The sirens were all around me. Police? Ambulance? I couldn't tell I mean for god sakes I could barely even see, but the blood. That I could smell and feel. It was a disgusting smell, it kind of smelled like sick.
I closed my eyes long ago but I can feel myself getting more and more distant as if I'm physically disconnecting from my body.It hurt though, not too much but it was like this Dulled excruciating pain that lingered throughout my body. Over the ringing in my ears I could hear someone trying to call my name. It was like they were so far away it was just a distant hum.
I opened my eyes and slightly to find lights flashing above me. I wasn't moving physically but I was moving, gliding even. I was laying down with a hard lump in my throat making it hard for me to breath. Praying I wasn't going to throw up I closed my eyes and allowed whatever was going to happen happen...
I opened my eyes to my surprise. I was in the infirmary at the institute. She was beside me. Sat with a little girl that looked just like her. They were a stunning pair. Although she was just my friend I was happy that she was close to me.
"Look who's up Elle" she chimed with a smile. I laughed as the little girl came running at me.
"Caitlin what's going on" I chuckled as I sat up on the side of the bed.
She laughed and gently stroked the side of my face."Honey you didn't come up to the room last night we were worried so we came down to see you" she went to kiss me but I backed away.
"What do you mean? What's going on? Where's Louisa?" She looked away from me quickly a sudden realisation sprung to life in her eyes.
"That's where you were isn't it!? You were off living happy ever after with her!?" The little girls eyes filled with tears and she moved away from me."You told me you could let go Taron! You told me I- we wouldn't have to worry about you going off and searching for her! She's dead Taron! Dead! As in not coming back!" She took hold of the little girl and lifted her so that she was sat perfectly on Caitlin's hip.
"Caitlin what are you talking about?"
"I'm sorry Taron" she lowered her voice as she raised a gun. The little girl looked away as she aimed the barrel at me.
"Caitlin what are you- let's talk about this please! Caitli-" I was too late the bullet had already hit me. I fell backwards onto nothing blood spilling everywhere. The colour filled my sight like a blanket of crimson had been thrown over me.I woke gasping again and again and again, never actually catching my breath. My body started to shake rapidly and throw itself as if I had no control what so ever.
I felt this sticky substance grow on my lips spreading to my cheek. My vision blurred quickly as shadowy figures came rushing towards me...Tom
I sat with her in the back of the car, she was losing a lot of blood. Water kept spilling from her lips but she wasn't awake. Her body would jolt and water would come out along with blood.
I was starting to panic. Taron was in a different car headed to the hospital nearer the institute.
I dated twins...
General Fictionthat is so very definitely the last time I ever meet a guy in a bar! ever! louisa has no idea what lies a head of her when she ends up going home with tom Mathews only to find theres two of them. not identical but most definitely brothers, twins in...