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Chapter 17

It was mid-morning when we made our way over to the large school. It was huge, as well as elegant. It was clear that a lot of money had been spent on the structure. I felt out of place, wearing a black hoodie with black jeans and black boots. We (Shiloh, Zmeya and I) had just bought a small, cheap apartment for us to stay in until we figure out what happened to Seiji Komori. We all had taken the test to come here. Zmeya and Shiloh did very well, scoring 80%. I on the other hand, scored 100%. We did not bother wearing the uniforms, as all of us agreed that they were ghastly. We walked down the glistening corridors, making our way to class. I had Poetry, Shiloh had P.E. and Zmeya had cooking. Zmeya, (seen as though she was a shape-shifter) now had long white hair and sparkling ocean-blue eyes.

 We then went our separate directions as our classes were in separate buildings. I was really early to class, so I just sat beside the window right at the back of the class. I got my death note- I mean notebook (😂) out of my bag and placed it on my desk as well as my pens and pencils. I then sighed, placing my head on my hands as I waited for everyone to get here. The door then opened, and a slim boy came in, and sat at a desk, not noticing that I was in the room. He had round glasses, grey eyes and raven hair. He then set out his equipment, and just sat there the same as I was. "Top of the mornin'" I greeted happily. I saw him jump slightly, as he turned around to see who spoke. His eye then met mine. He moved his glasses further up his nose, and replied, "Good morning. Who are you?" He asked.

"My name, is Athena Bastet. But you can call me Athena. I hate formalities. And yours is?" I smiled. He then took out his death note- I mean notebook and quickly jotted some things down. He then looked on and tablet. He then bore a frown on his face."Athena Bastet. There is not much information on you I see. And my name is Kyoya Ootori" He stated, slightly frustrated, and yet somewhat curious. I merely nodded. "I guess that doesn't happen too often." I said, quirking an eyebrow in amusement. He shook his head in defeat. The door then opened again. In came a blonde with purple eyes, and a gang of girls swooning over him. He then looked my way, smiled and approached. He then made it to my desk, and said, "You must be new here! My name is Tamaki Suoh. It's nice to meet a beautiful lady such as yourself."

"I am not beautiful, and I am no lady. Oh, and my name is Athena Bastet, but you can call me Athena."

"But you are a beautiful lady." I snorted, and looked towards the window, looking at the vibrant flowers. I heard exasperated sighs from the girls around him. "Come on Tamaki, she's not worth your time!" I heard a girl say.

"Yeah, and besides, have you seen what she's wearing? A commoner is not worth your time." I tuned around at the girl who said this. She had bleach blonde hair, and brown eyes. I then gave her a death glare, as I smiled maliciously. "And what makes a cheap Gucci wanna be like you think that you are worth my time?" I sneered, glaring at the girl. She shuddered, and quickly went to her seat. Everyone seemed shocked, apart from Kyoya. He just scribbled in his notebook. Everyone else then went to their seats. Others came in, then the teacher followed suit. He wen to his desk at the front of the classroom. He stood behind it, as he greeted, "Hello class. We have a new student here today. Miss Bastet, would you care to come to the front of the class and introduce yourself?" I sighed, and made my way up to the front. I face the class,  looking at everyone in the eyes. "Hello, my name is Athena Bastet, but you all can call me Athena. I hope to get along with all of you." I said. I saw a boy to my left spurt out the drink he was having. I quirked an eyebrow at him curiously. There were boys around him who stared at me, stary-eyed. I heard whispers from some girls who I call "dem bitches" as well as the odd gasp. I then made my way to my desk.

The class went on slowly, as the teacher was terribly boring. We were studying My Last Duchess by Robert Browning. This was one of my favourite poems, but the teacher made it boring and drab. I started to yawn, as I faced the window. "Miss Bastet, would you care to come to the front and tell us what the quotation "notice Neptune, though, taming a seahorse" suggests?" I turned my head, and made my way to the class. I saw the teacher smiling, as he clearly thought that I wasn't paying attention, which I wasn't. I took a deep breath, and stated" It demonstrates the possessiveness of the Duke, who for context purposes was based off of the Duke of Ferrerra during the 16th century. It was common thought of the time that knowledge demonstrates wealth, and so ensures that the Duke lives up to his reputation. It may also emphasise that he though of himself as a God, just like Neptune. However, due to the symbolic notion of the sea being calm (seen as though he is the God of the sea) the Duke contrasts with this. This notion was previously demonstrated with "I chose never to stoop." This heated remark further contradicts this, thus demonstrating the strong feelings he has of possession." 

Many mouths opened as they were stunned. I sat back down on my seat, and awaited the teacher to resume. "Well, Athena is indeed right... Let us continue." He trailed off. He then continued the lesson, not acknowledging the fact that I was able to hold my own. I then resumed looking out of the window. The vibrant colours were exquisite, especially in the morning sunlight. Bored, I started drawing one of the flowers I saw outside. I then heard the bell bell ring. I stood up, collected my things and headed to my next class: P.E. How I loathed it (only playing games such as football and netball). It did not take me long to go to the changing room.

I was dressed in some black jogging pants and a sports bra. This was very unlike everyone's normal uniform. Many of the girls were giving me odd looks, and many turned to each other, whispering about me. It didn't necessarily bother me, it was just irritating. "Alright class we'll be training with the boys today in a self-defence class." Now this was more my thing. My teacher was rather young, and had brown hair and matching brown eyes. I then approached where she was leading us. We then came to a large room that looked to be a sports hall. Many of the boys were already there, including Kyoya and Tamaki. There also looked to also be two older boys there, who were clearly here to instruct. One was rather short, and looked a lot younger than what he was. The other was tall, and had dark hair. "Class we will be instructed today by Mitsukuni Haninozuka, who you all know as "Honey." We will also be joined by Takashi Morinozuka, who you all know as "Mori." They all will be instructing you. Now, you must all find someone to pair with who is the opposite gender." The teacher informed and ordered. Everyone then went their separate ways and joined other people. Many girls were wanting to be with the Kyoya, Tamaki, Honey and Mori. I stood there nonchalantly, not expecting anyone to come up to the "new girl" which I wasn't really fussed about.

Everyone apart from the instructors (of course) then had a partner. Honey then saw me, and approached. "Hi! You must be new around here! What's your name?"

"Athena." I replied.

"Have you not got anyone to partner up with?" I shook my head in response.

"Well, you should always join up with Mori." Mori then grunted in acknowledgement. He made his way over to me, as the teacher said, "Ok, now we need to see what you already know. One of you will be A and the other B. A will attack B and B must defend them self." She explained.  

" I can be B if you want." I said to Mori. He merely nodded, and got into position to attack. He pounced with precision. I surmised that he was highly trained, and trained well. I dodged with ease, and kicked his legs from behind causing him to fall over. He stood up, as everyone else gasped. Even Honey seemed rather surprised, as did Kyoya. "You alright, mate?" I asked him. He nodded in response.  He then tried to attack me again, with a different stance. But this inevitably leads to the same conclusion. After a few more times of this, the teacher declared," OK, it is time to swap roles." Without a second thought, I swung my legs around him, and twisted him, causing him to fall. Again there were more gasps in the room. I then heard one of the girls say to me, "You sure don't hold back." 

"If I did it would be utterly disrespectful. His skill and talent deserve to be treated with the utmost respect." I responded. I then looked towards him, and smiled. He blushed slightly, but it quickly went away. As I was standing there, I saw a boy who was slowly approaching Kyoya from behind. I could tell by his emotions and facial expressions that he was jealous of the attention he was receiving. He was about to kick Kyoya, when I intervened. I grabbed his raised leg, and spun him in the air. This caused him to land awkwardly and groan in pain on the floor. "To not only attack someone unprovoked but also to do it whilst their back was turned is cowardly and disgraceful. " I berated. Yet again, there were many shocked faces. Even Kyoya was surprised. I then suddenly had a feeling of dread, that either Shiloh and Zmeya were about to do something terrible. In haste, I ran out of the room. I then appeared in front of a music room. I opened the door, and facepalmed. Zmeya and Shiloh were tackling eachother on the ground, thus causing a very expensive vase to smash. This was not going to be good.

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