Blind Date

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Chapter 22

We were all in an area with a large expanse of grass. There was an area of clear water, which reflected the rays of sunshine. It smelt of fresh grass and earth. But, I would have looked at it more if a large, silver dragon wasn't in my face. It growled intimidatingly, or at least it was trying to be. I squealed somewhat, as I found it just so cute! I hugged it's neck, and gushed, "You're just so cute!" I looked around at bewildered faces. It was then that I noticed Zmeya and Shiloh to the right of me. Zmeya face-palmed, whilst Shiloh was stifling a laugh. I then saw a man with long blonde hair and blue eyes. His eyes widened, as he seemed rather surprised. I approached them with a wide, warm smile on my face. I stopped a metre or so in front of them, and introduced Chise to Zmeya and Shiloh. They both walked up to her, and assessed. Zmeya circled around her like a shark, mumbling to herself. They both stopped, looked at eachother, then at Chise. They both smiled warmly, and hugged her. "She's family alright!" Shiloh said warmly. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and was met by the blonde man. "My name is Lindel, caretaker of the dragons. What is your name?"

"Why I'm Athena! Pleasure to meet ya'!" I greeted enthusiastically, as I grabbed his hand and shook it. "This is a very confusing situation." I heard Elias a.k.a Carol say.

"Just accept it, Carol!" I said.

"I think it's time we returned. After all, we've already caused enough trouble." I heard Shiloh wisely say. Zmeya nodded in agreement, as they both looked at me expectantly. "Alas, it is time I bid farewell. Are you coming, Chise?" I asked, as I opened up a portal. She bowed her head solemnly, considering what I was asking. "She is not going anywhere. I paid a lot of money for her." Carol stated. Rage consumed me mercilessly, as I felt my veins and arteries glow crimson, as did my eyes and hair. I glared at him. Before he could even react, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to my level."She is no one's property. She is her own person. She will never be anyone's, and she answers to no one but herself." I growled. I saw Zmeya and Shiloh in the corner of my eye also becoming enraged. They adjusted their bodies in a fighting position. "I will be staying here. Thank you for the offer though." I heard Chise state. I calmed down, and looked at her softly I let go of Carol, and walked towards her. I ruffled her hair, smiling. I then handed her a small bell. "If you need me, ring it thrice. Call my name, and I shall come to you. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye." I said, as Zmeya, Shiloh and I went through it.

We appeared at my bedroom in the palace."Will you be accompanying me on this "blind date"?" I inquired.

"Why wouldn't we? We need to make sure that they are worthy of you, and that we will approve." I heard Zmeya laugh slightly. Shiloh nodded in agreement. 

"Plus who doesn't want to go to that ball? As soon as I saw the movie for the first time with you, I've wanted to attend." Shiloh said. I smirked, thinking the same thing.

"Or is it because you wanted to be the one to sweep Anna off her feet?" Zmeya teased. Shiloh turned almost as red as her hair. I giggled, as both of them began to bicker. "Now if you old people are done bickering, shall we go pick some outfits?"

"Old?!?" Both of them shouted at the same time. I laughed heartily, as I made my way to the draws. I picked out a red dress for Shiloh, and a dark green for Zmeya. For myself, I picked out a slim black dress with red netting on it that looked like tree branches. I picked out a partial snake mask, a feathered red one and one which had both. I gave the dresses to both of them, and we all got ready. Once we were done, we headed out front to meet Circe and Kali (as both were inseparable). They were there waiting patiently for us. Circe had short, electric blue hair whilst Kali had long electric orange hair. Both however shared dark eyes that appeared black. They both wore dresses that complimented their hair colour. "Took you long enough, Nutty." Circe joked. "And to say that you're part Time Lord too, for shame." Kali also quipped. Kali had a strong Irish accent whereas Circe had a strong French accent. "Shall we?" I asked, as I opened a portal for all of us to go through. "The date will already be there. And don't worry, we'll give you plenty of privacy." Kali promised with an evil smirk. I sighed, knowing it was going to be a long night.

We appeared at the front of the large building. It was a large structure with ornate walls and columns. We walked in, and were greeted by a large ballroom, which was warm and inviting, which was ironic seen as though most people here were vampires, and it was hosted by a vampire (Dracula).

 We walked in, and were greeted by a large ballroom, which was warm and inviting, which was ironic seen as though most people here were vampires, and it was hosted by a vampire (Dracula)

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(This is Dracula BTW)

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We all strolled in together, and stuck to the side as to not get separated. "Music's der'mo (shit)" Zmeya grunted. "OK ladies, I shall be taking Nutty to her date." Circe took my arm and practically dragged me to a rather tall man. He wore a black suit with a bow tie. His eyes were green but were mainly covered by his fringe, and he had long, grayish-white hair. "So it was you, Undertaker. That's a relief!" I exhaled in relief. He chuckled, as he offered out his hand.

"Care to dance?" I nodded in response, and we took to the dance floor. We turned and twirled as I lead him (of course). Besides, he didn't seem to mind. The song was over too soon, as I was enjoying myself with Undertaker. A man then approached us, and I realised it was Dracula. He spoke to Undertaker first:"May I dance with her?" I wasn't happy then. Not at all. Undertaker nodded, and reluctantly gave my hand to him. I glared at Undertaker, causing him to chuckle. Both Drac and I started dancing. "I don't think I have met you before. My name is Vladislaus Dracula. And what is yours, my fair maiden?"

"OK, I'm just gonna say this before getting better acquainted: I will never belong to anyone. I am no "damsel in distress", and I am certainly not submissive. Now that is out of the way, I am Athena Bastet." He chuckled slightly, amusement written across his cold features. I then began to lead the dance. He looked rather surprised. I spun him around and before he could react, I spun away from him, and blended into the crowd. I began to walk away, and took a backwards glance. He was rather bemused, as he looked around for me. He stopped, and started laughing to himself. Creep. I then noticed Anna in her red gown and mask, dancing with Shiloh. I smiled warmly at the sight. After everything we had been through, she deserved all the happiness in the world. I then made my way to the drinks, desperately needing one. I took a glass, and began drinking from it. "He~he~he I didn't know you were a fan of the drink." Undertaker teased. I turned to face him, smiling. It was then my phone went off. The phone came out with the song As I Lay Dying, My Own Grave. It seemed as though the whole party became silent at the song. Blushing with embarrassment, I ran out of the ballroom and eventually came across a balcony. 

"This really was NOT a good time to call." I said.

"Well desperate times, desperate measures, Ailuros." Came the voice at the other end.

"What's going on, Noodle?" I asked, unnerved.

"They are here in my world. And they came with an army."

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