Chapter 1: Queenie had a Surprise

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Greetings earthlings! Just wanted to say I don't own the anime's, movies or TV shows or anything else other than my OCs and plot. This is my first ever fanfiction. Hope you guys enjoy.....

Chapter 1

My name is Athena Bastet. Yes, I know, it's a strange name but I am a strange person. I am, well.... You'll soon find out!

I was sent on a mission by Queenie (the queen of England) to investigate a very mysterious disappearance of a girl named Yui Komori. Her father, a priest, was the leader of a certain branch for the Church of England. He had also gone missing, and Queenie (my nickname for her, as we go WAY back) and seen as though he was part of the Hellsing Organisation, he specifically requested I see to the matter. After all, was not your average 18 year old. I had many abilities, which was due to my lineage. Long story short, I was a mixture of every supernatural being you can think of (my family got around *WINK*). And so, due to my friendship with Queenie, I could not help but accept. But I really wish I did not...

I had to stay at the Sakamaki household ( I bet you already know where this was going). I had finally packed my bags with everything i could ever need: chocolate, biscuits, cookies, clothing, hair brush, products (e.g. shampoo) and... WEAPONS!! As I always said, someone could never have too many.  I then called a taxi, and went to the lovely mansion (what was I thinking?). The leather seats were worn and ragged, and the once black leather was now an off grey. I then began to stare out of the window, as the vehicle approached the building. We then abruptly stopped, and I was practically kicked out of the care, as the driver sped away. I stared in awe at the magnificent building. There was a large fountain in the middle of the vast driveway. Slightly intimidated, I cautiously approached the building. Rain clouds began to gather like soldiers in a battlefield. It then began to rain with ferocity, as I stood there, in my plain white sundress, soaked. "Well this is just bleedin' perfect" I grumbled with agitation. I had always liked rain, unless I was meeting new people. What an impression, a brunette with eyes that changed colour depending on her mood, drenched like a rat outside bloody Ratatouille. I decided to just tough it out and knock on the extravagant (if overly excessive) door. There was no reply. "Well, here I go.." I thought. The door creaked like a moan from a corpse. I walked in, observing every intricate detail of this mansion. Blues were the main theme, with a plush carpet. Creak... The door abruptly closed. What happened to oiling hinges on doors? Or is not cool anymore?

I turned around looking at the door, wondering who closed it. Whilst this was happening I caught a glimpse of a man wearing a suit. He was clearly a servant. But he just reminded me of Slenderman. I then proceed to mutter in a creepy, but mocking sing-song voice "Slenderman, Slenderman all the kiddies try to run." Giggling to myself it was then realised that there was someone standing right behind me. I turned slowly, making it ever more dramatic (as you possibly already know I am one for the dramatics). The person behind me wore a suit just like a butler, and wore glasses. His red eyes gleamed through, with a piercing gaze. As I stood there, I watched him watching me. He reminded me so much of Sebastian Michaelis that I just could not pass up this opportunity. "Are you simply one Hell of a butler?" I questioned, smiling ever so sweetly. I was trying really hard not to laugh as he just kept staring at me. It was then that realisation hit me like a rolling pin to the face. I was soaking wet, in a white sundress. The fabric clung to me, as I then realised that there was a slight chance of seeing my *AHEM*  undergarments. And by slight, I truly mean that he did

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" he inquired coldly. I shuffled nervously. Wait, hold on one minute! I thought. Why does he not know that I was supposed to be staying? "I was supposed to be staying here for a few weeks... I did send an email" I stated. He looked at me up and down, and sighed. "I apologise for my earlier rudeness. I do recall now. My name is Reiji Sakamaki. You must be Miss Bastet I assume."

"Oh no, please call me Athena, Reiji, if I may call you by your first name?"

"I suppose it would not be discourteous. Please follow me, I shall take you to your room." I nodded politely, saying my thanks. He then motioned for me to go first, and I obliged. As I was guided, I felt as though I was being stared at. I took a quick glance behind me, paranoia kicking in. "My, my, another little guest. I do not believe we have been introduced, mon beau (my beautiful)." A man with a fedora approached, lust filled in his eyes as he looked at me up and down. I swiftly replied "Je sais que je suis petit, mais je crois que vous possédez quelque chose de plus petit" (translated from French, it means"I know I am little, but I do believe you possess something smaller). He looked shocked, almost as though I had taken away his cake and ate it in front of it. Amusement soon returned, as I then said "and I belong to no one ."

"I am Laito, it is a pleasure." Well, that did not last long for him to recover."Athena" I replied, and I quickly walked ahead, avoiding further conversation with the... I did not even have a word for him. Reiji followed, not taking long for him to catch up. He then stopped abruptly by a door on my right. "This will be your room while you stay here," I nodded my thanks and walked in. And the room was... Beautiful. The wall paper consisted of black and blue flowers. The carpet was plush, a midnight blue.  I strolled to the bed, and I plopped face down onto the soft bed, not realising that Reiji was still in the room. "So comfy..." I muttered in satisfaction, as my voice was muffled by the covers. I then heard the door close. I groaned as I got up, heading to the en suite, as I desperately needed one. I started running the bath. I was there for awhile, as i played my music (Peter Gundry Vampire Masquerade). As I got out,  I wrapped a towel around myself and got into my room to get dressed. I would have, if there was not someone sitting on my bed. I assumed it was Ayato, as whilst i walked with Reiji he told me all the names of his brothers.

"Yours Truly is hungry" he stated. "Yippee for you. Please get out." I motioned to the door, but he did not move. I sighed, went into the bathroom and got ready for bed quicker than someone could say "creepy vampire." I got out, and saw that he was still there, anger contorting his facial features. "Let me drink your blood." Well he was charming. He got up, and started to approach me. I stood my ground, and looked at him straight in the eyes. This made him slightly unnerved, but he continued his advance. We were then face-to-face. He smirked evilly, as he thought I would not put up a fight. Well, he was mistaken.

I readied my fist, and I proceeded to punch him. Hard. So hard in fact, that he crashed through the wall on the other side. I then heard a scream. I ran inside, to check if i had hurt anyone but him. I then saw a girl on the floor, tears falling from her eyes. Luckily, she was not hurt. I offered her my hand to help her up, and she accepted. What i did not realise, was that Laito was bundled up on the floor, as Ayato was on him, unconscious. "You ok, love?" i asked kindly. What happened next I did not expect. She hugged me, crying her heart out, as she kept thanking me. I then figured out what happened. When I hit Ayato, he knocked over Laito, who was about to attack non other than Yui Komori. It was obvious she did not know what was going on. This is going to be a hard case to crack. Excellent.

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