Chapter 1 -Option 3

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^^^^^^your outfit above^^^^^^^^
Here again is the reminding key for you........
Y/N: Your name
Y/H/C: Your hair color
Y/E/C: Your eye color
Y/F/C:Your favorite color
Y/N/N: Your nickname
Y/F/F: Your favorite food
Y/BF/N: Your best friends name
Y/S/C:Your skin color
Y/F/D: Your favorite drink
There we are lovelies......😇😇😇😇^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I peer down the stairs and see my mom with her wand in hand but as soon as I reach the second step at the top of the stairs her breath is stolen away. Her wand drops to the ground as she screams,
My dad dashes in wondering who died or what caused my mother to scream but soon to was left speechless at the fact that I put partial effort into my birthday .
"WHY!!"She wailed.
I cover my eyes and continue down the stair where my older brother, the one that didn't steal my mail that is, saved me from narrowly having my face collide with the floor. We make it look like a swift sweeping motion as he helps me avoid falling.
"Happy birthday baby sis," he says grinning ear to ear.
"Thanks big bro."
When my sneakers are finally on solid ground I enter the kitchen and see mr Mail thief, Andrew, reading my mail, or at least the titles.
"Happy birthday squirt,"he says.
I stick my tongue out at him and pour my self a cup of (y/f/d) my other brother, Alex, quickly enters the kitchen stopping my snooty mail thieving brother,Andrew, from reading my mail.
"Thank you, Alex,"I say taking a long savoring gulf of (y/f/d).
"I'm just doing my job!" He replies cheerfully.
Just as I think I'm in the clear mr mail thief Magic's my mail away from Alex. Andre apparatus out of no where and I'm having a hard time keeping up with whats going on. Andrew continues to read  off who sent me letters. While Alex is distracted by my youngest brother Andy's sudden appearance, Andre swipes the letters from Andrew and begins to read.
"Let's see who Y/n has mail from, shall we?"
"Nooooooo!"I cry chasing him around the kitchen island.
"Well I see there's that girl from your muggle school adventures, Stephanie the boy toy. I really do wonder how you manage to make friends with such a charity case......"
"Stop it Andrew!" I yell, slightly out of breath, and most definitely winded.
"WRONG NAME!"He shouts.
One of Andre's biggest pet peeves is being called the wrong name. I can differentiate all my brothers, including those of them that are twins, but I'll tick him off.
"Why you little.....Oooooooooh. Lookie here there's a letter from Illverymore! Looks like you'll be packing your bags!" He taunts.
"Why you little liar!" I scream
"There are 3 more I'd like to read off. One is from Durmstrang........"
"Andre please stop!" I cry
"Another from Hogwarts......"he chants.
"Please Andre, PLEASE!!!!!" I beg.
"Oooooooh, and who is this last one from. I see it's sealed with gold and signed by a........"
"Please Andre I'll do anything!"I scream.
"Nothing you give me can offer me the satisfaction of seeing you for of embarrassment of this last letter........."
"Please Andre, I beg of you........"I cry out.
"Did you not hear her,"calls out my other brother, Andrew.
He and Andre are twins but Andrew is  not an arse.
"Why do you always have to spoil my fun,"Andre whines.
"Not necessarily......" replies Andrew.
Both, Andre and I gawk.
"What words did I hear come out of your mouth you golden snitch.........."
I guess I spoke too soon.
"And the final letter is from.........."
I hear my other 3 brothers, Anderson, Aiden, and Felix enter the kitchen and with them an obnoxious drumroll.
"DRACO MALFOY!" I hear my brothers shout in unison.
"F*ck," I muffle under my breath.
My mom and dad's heads peep in from outside the kitchen. I snatch up a banana and run on my way to leave. I hear Andrew call after me,
"Is that a banana? It sure looks long, is it Malfoys?"
"B*tch," I mutter while tossing a silent swelling jinx at him.
On my escape the ground worked against me. It tripped me, held me down, attempted to drag me. The ground tried to do all sorts of things but luckily it failed. I ran and kept running knowing as I was able to
I make it far out past the first compound of our estate and run into my private forest. My grandma jinxed it just for me when I was 8.
Those b*tches can't reach me here.
The forest as always is beaming with life. I know I'll have to deal with my mothers rath but for now I just want peace and quiet. Finally a moment to myself.
OR SO I THOUGHT............

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