Chapter 3 option 3

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You choose to...
My survival instinct kick in and I kick the boy where the soon don't shine and improperly tie my robe together to make an escape. I draw my wand and as he draws his I shout


His wand goes shooting across the room. I've been working on a series of my own spells so as he recovers from the temporary shock of my fast reflexes I kick him where the sun don't shine again and yell confidently,


I AIN'T NO RAPUNZEL I CAN RESCUE MYSELF! His face is now spliced very deep and in he is bleeding in a punctual form. The boy bends over clutching his inflated private and attempts to stop his bleeding as I make my hasty leave. Unfortunately he
Recuperates from the blow far earlier than I wanted him to and grabs my waist pulling me closer to his still ever inflated private place.

"What a naughty little babe you are," he says in
a lust filled tone.

"Let me go you pervert!" I say.

I can't breathe because his body mass is crushing me and he's grinding his private against mine. I punch and hit him repeatedly over and over again but my attempts are in vain as he slaps me.

"Feisty I like it......"I says in the same tone.

"Please leaves me alone!" I beg I'm a very fake tone. 

He slaps me again.

"I'm starting get tired of your angelic voice babe," he says. 

"Pessima est Plaga Abyssi!"

The first spell I used was a slicing spell I made up for cutting off dead branches in my garden but this one is one of my more layer spells. I created this spell in case of an emergency like this. All over his body he began to swell and develop DEEP bruises. Maybe I should have tried a weaker spell. Maybe this was to much? Maybe he would have stopped. But than again am I really willing to take that chance. This spell was taking a toll on me.

"Leave me..." I nearly was able to scream at him when his over sized hand comes crashing down on my face yet again. He slapped me.
His huge hand is over my my mouth so I can't scream. For the first time in 6 years I'm truly terrified. I don't cry seeing as I've never been able to. He looked terrible. I was horrified at the damage I had caused. In another desperate attempt to save my dignity I bite down on his hand forcing him to let go of me as I scream as loud as I can. I feel really badly about this right after because he howls in pain. He's a half breed and today is the post full moon dictation. A legend has it that young male were wolves have no control over there bodies until sundown. Just then a slicked back blonde haired boy with piercing silver eyes and a curly black haired boy with broken glasses mended with tape, and vibrant green eyes run out of no where and attack the assailant as he was about to shift. I had been so out of focus that I hadn't realized his Wolf was planning to attack me again. I take a deep breath and look at my renegade heroes and to my surprise I see.........
Sorry guys I've been suffering such bad writers block that I decided the quit this story. Please forgive me.
Ze Author
Draco Malfoy and another boy beating up my assailant. I'm still in a disheveled state but Draco and the other boy managed to subdue the rapist before anything else happened. They look over to me to see if I was alright, but just as they turn around to look at me they blush and turn the opposite way profusely apologizing.  I'm confused before I realize that I'm still half naked. I can't really show many facial emotions so I just cover up myself.

"Thank you," I say.

Madam Malkin finally walked in after all the drama is  over. She looks at the situation and sees 3 boys in my dressing room. 2 with bloody knuckles, bloody with blood that isn't their own and 1 knocked it unconscious with a fast developing black eye, bloody nose , and swollen arm with a broken leg and purple stomach appearing to have been kicked so hard that his ribs cracked. She sees his inflated body and deep cuts and bruises. She sees how injured he is. To say the least Madam Malkin was more surprised at the fact that she hadn't been able for to hear all the drama from the back room more so than the fact that a boy was laying on her carpet, severely injured and unconscious. I giant man with large hands and an umbrella walks in to see what is going on. He turns to the boy with broken glasses, and lugs him over his shoulder paying for his robes and taking off. Not long after,  a magical emergency care evac team appear on the scene to take away my near rapist. I see Narcissa Malfoy(Draco's Mom) and her husband Lucius (Draco's Dad), with my parents rush in with my brothers.

"What for the love of the Ministry of Magic happens here!" Cried my mom.

My face paled when I saw the angry look on my fathers face. He took one look around and looked like he was about to punch something. Andy my 6 year old brother, started crying and said.

"Big sissy looks okay but Drackie is bleeding."

Everyone's attention drew to Draco's bloody knuckles.

"Draco darling are you alright?!?" cried Narcissa.

She was fanning over her son crying barely letting him breathe as mg mother was doing to me before he finally managed to choke out.

"It's...... not ...........MINE........, mum."

"That's my boy," Draco's father chuckled.

My mom hugged me crying while Draco's mom magicked up a tissue and rolled her eyes before muttering,

"One day you kids will be the death of me."

Draco goes on to explain what happened and how he and another boy saved me as my father looks like he is about to strangle someone. If looks could kill each of my brothers except Felix and the ones that followed my parents would be dead.


My father rarely raises his voice or looks angry but now we can he's super pissed. When the dust finally settles I, Draco and our families settle down to go and get our money from gringotts and purchase the rest of our supplies. Just as we were about to go our desperate ways my father threw his head back and said,

"Draco, if you ever need anything just know we'll stand by you."

"Yes of course Sir."

And with that we turned our separate ways and headed home. Little did he know, his foolish promise would land us a HELL lot of trouble.

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