YOUR FAMILY/Diagon Alley Chapter 2

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You have large family who all of bodily shifting aspects to them. You just so happen to be the strongest and smartest one of all of them. Here some aid to the
Here again is the reminding key for you........
Y/N: Your name
Y/H/C: Your hair color
Y/E/C: Your eye color
Y/F/C:Your favorite color
Y/N/N: Your nickname
Y/F/F: Your favorite food
Y/BF/N: Your best friends name
Y/S/C:Your skin color
Y/F/D: Your favorite drink
There we are lovelies......😇😇😇😇

First we have your eldest brother
Alex is the do good goodie two shoes who always has and will be the perfect poster child. He works as a DIRECT assistant of the Minister of magic, and was both perfect and head boy in Hogwarts, in the Ravenclaw House. He is also good friends with the grey lady, but don't tell anyone that.........
Age 28
Then we have the youngest brother
Andy is the youngest out of the Ravenswood household. He's ambitious and kind, but most of all very easily goaded. Being a pure blooded wizard with rich famous parents has its perks l, but it also earns you a lot of weird stares, cheek pinches, kisses, and hugs from people you barely know. Although Andy is overly entitled, he is always humble and unbelievably honest. He is very gullible and can never resist the chance to tease his big sis with his elder brothers.
Age 6
Most people wager he'll be a Hufflepuff
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Andre and Andrew-
These 2 twins are the ORIGINAL pranksters if Hogwarts who took the Weasley twins under their wings and taught them EVERYTHING they knew. It's quite lovely how only these 4 have forged a unique bond with Peeves the Poltergeist.  Both Andre and Andrew are chasers of the Slytherin quidditch team.
(Andre is a world class liar hence the thing about the quidditch tour.)
(BOTH twins are in there last year at Hogwarts.)
Age 17
Surprisingly they are both Slytherin....
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Then the second eldest brother Anderson-
Anderson's a good looking hard working fellow who makes a living by working as an auror. His biggest dream was to train after Mad-eye-moody before he actually did go mad but like most plans not all plans are fulfilled. Anderson missed his big chance to be trained by his hero by a few years but no worries, Anderson is known as one of the best aurors of his time.
Age 26
~^~  ~^~ ~^~ ~^~ ~^~ ~^~ ~^~
The third eldest child is Aiden-
He's kind af and also really good looking. He's the ultimate golden boy. Perfect grades and former Gryfindor seeker. IS CURRENT seeker for a popular team more so than the one the VICTOR KRUM is on.(NAME OF QUDITTCH TEAM YET TO BE DISCLOSED) Best combo evaaaaaahhhh!
Age 24
He is a determined little git and when he wants something he usually gets it. Most of the time he wants what's best for his family but his unfortunate weaknesses are cute girls and food.  You can turn Felix into a complete softy when ever you want it practically control him by waving any kind of food in his face. Shameful, I know but you love him anyways. His turn to receive he letter is next year but until than he'll stick to being your main b*tch and come whenever you need help.
Age 10
Predicted to be a Slytherin
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Yes it's cringe but you need to know the story.......
Dad and Mom/ The fable of the mouse and the lion-
Your dad(Mason) (I.E THE mou$e)-
Very nice, caring, loves his kids very much and was only 21 when he had his first as an auror. He was arranged to marry into a richer family at 16 but was intercept when a death eater killed his fiancée, who he later on hunted down and killed(legally that is). He graduated a year early from Hogwarts a year and went on to be a wonderful auror, a job which he continues to love till today. Later on married the love of his life after she rescued him from an inevitable death nearly at the hands of Voldemort himself. (This made your entire family famous man!!!!)(This and the story of your birth)
Age 45(looks 30)
Your mom(Estrella)(The lion)
Very tough and loving. Felix takes after her seeing as she would do ANYTHING to protect the ones she loves. She was only 18 when pregnant with your eldest brother and was determined to protect him till the day she died.  Yes your mother is and auror and a total bada** but she has a soft side meant only for her family. To everyone else she is a witch who means business. She like joking about saying her one regret was having so many kids but deep down they know that she loves them to death. But don't blame her she has 7 kids including you.
Age 42(looks 26)
MOVING ON......I just want to thank all of the viewers of this book for all your support and waiting on me.  Bless your souls.  I know it's been a long while since I've last posted but that's only because I have other things to balance in my life. This chapter is going to be extra long to thank you for waiting on me. 
Ze Author
Y/N P.O.V.....
I eventually have to leave my sanctuary because I know for a fact that I'll die if I'm food deprived for more than 5 minutes. I sneak back into the house and raid the fridge, eating as much as I can and grabbing as much as I can until I'm caught by my brother who hits me with a tickling spell.........
-What do you do?
Chapter 2 option 1:
Scream and laugh
Chapter 2 option 2:
Refuse to laugh and resist the enchantment
Chapter 2 option 3:
Try and hit him with a counter hex
BY THE WAY PLEASE COMMENT ON WHICH BROTHER YOU THINK HEXED HER? The answer is yet to be exposed in chapter 3. By now you all should have noticed that this book comes with choices but please do understand it takes time to come up with ideas and sources. I'll try and post a new step full of at the least 2-3 choices  for this fanfic every 2 weeks but for now I'll leave you with this.........

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