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Here again is the reminding key for you........
Y/N: Your name
Y/H/C: Your hair color
Y/E/C: Your eye color
Y/F/C:Your favorite color
Y/N/N: Your nickname
Y/F/F: Your favorite food
Y/BF/N: Your best friends name
Y/S/C:Your skin color
Y/F/D: Your favorite drink
Y/H:Your height
There we are lovelies......😇😇😇😇
Y/N P.O.V..........
I can believe this, we land in Diagon ally but my mom has the blasted letter in hand and decided that we're getting the things we need before the things we want. She decides that we should get my clothes first which according to the list are as boring as ever. My brothers all say that we don't have to wear the Hogwarts mandatory uniform 24/7 we an wear comfortable muggle clothing during our free time and they also say that we barely use the hat.

We head to Madame Malkin's Robes for all occasions to get my according to the list......

"3 sets of plain black work robes, 1 plain black pointed hat for at wear, 1 pair of dragon hide or similar protective gloves, and 1 black with silver fastenings winter cloak."

My mom and dad disappeared with my eldest brother and younger brother to get something. Which leaves me with my brothers Andre, Andrew, Anderson, Aiden, and Felix. As soon as mom and dad were out of view Anderson and Aiden went out of the Robe store to flirt with girls, and Andre, Andrew, and Felix went to check out a nearby prank shop. That leaves me all alone to handle my appointment. I was undressing  for my fittings loosening the robe I had on when I heard a slick clear whistle come out from behind me. It wasn't like a train whistle.

It was the disgusting whistle guys give girls when the see something they like. I turn around and come face to face with a curly brown haired boy with hazel eyes and a bespectacled freckled face. He looks to be 3 maybe 2 years older than me. He has broad shoulders and is definitely muscular for his height. He looks to be 3 or 4 inches taller than me, and based on his looks  he definitely outweighs me in body mass. My y/h height is nothing compared to him. To me he's like the leaning tower of Giza except he's leaning to get a better look at my undergarments. I would have considered him cute if not for the troubling fact that he had been watching me undress. Madame Mallon is in the back room figuring out what might size me and appear to be the only one in the store besides the perverted horny teenager whom I'm fumbling to cover myself with my robe from. I decide to.......

Option 1:
Kick him where the sun don't shine

Option 2:

Hex him and pray that he doesn't have his wand

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