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Welp, this is my first authors note in this book and unfortunately it's not for a good thing. Apparently there is a Vietnamese website book stealing scandal going around. Now I personally don't believe anyone would go out of their way to copy and paste stories not written by themselves and just change the author for credit, but if this truly is going on I want every author out there to be aware of it. I really am thankful that a fellow author reached out to me on their account through their story to make it known that an issue like this is going on. But in the mist of this incident I know that the creators of Wattpad will figure this out. Just beware of this growing situation authors and readers and thanks for reading.  I hope to be able to be posting more chapters on all my stories sooner more than later buuuuut.... just saying if I don't it's because of a loss I faced recently. Now I don't want you all to be discouraged because I will still try my best to post more and spoon around for good fanfics, but until then this is it. I advise all authors to write this at the end of their latest chapter just to show who ever is stealing others work that what they are doing isn't okay and to show that you are aware or it. Write hashtag copyright in all caps. I'll be the first to do it seeing as this is my latest update.
Anyways shoutout to @BabyAssassin for the fabulous warning on her story. Go ahead and check out Genderless and Galactic empire, I hear their really good.

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