Chapter 18 - Silence.

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Chapter 18 – Silence.

Georgia, Jeff's Farm;

Emily Sanders...


The ring of my phone tore through my sleep; dragging me kicking and screaming from my slumber. I feel extremely heavy; I can't remember the last time that I felt so relaxed and, almost at peace. Turning over, I grab at the nightstand where my phone was – without checking the caller ID, I swiped answer, and placed the device to my ear.

"Hello?" I mumbled sleepily, as I did the automatic stretch that I have every morning, there was no response to my muttering, "hello?" I asked again, but there was nothing – no sound of voices in the background, no sound of anyone breathing, no static noise, it was just a dark abyss of nothing, "hello?" I asked more firmly. When the black void continued, I just ended the call.

This was the second silent call – should I mention it to Jeffrey? I don't know. I don't want to make a big deal of it, I don't want it to appear that I am some weak girl who gets freaked out about 2 silent phone-calls. Pushing my phone back on to the nightstand, I rolled back until I am staring up at the ceiling, I can smell toast and freshly ground coffee.

Jeffrey had hired a couple; Mary and David, who are live-in employees, Mary is the house-maid, and David tends to the farm and all the animals, while Jeffrey is off filming or in LA for his girls, or lately, me and my dad. I felt awful that I had kept him from filming for so long, so when he had mentioned me coming back to Georgia with him, there really was only one answer. It feels somewhat weird to be here alone though, I don't know what to do with myself; I mean this isn't my home, and I am completely unsure of what Jeffrey had said to the couple about who I am, or why I am here. I wish that Jeffrey hadn't, had the stupidly early morning shoot, I would have loved to wake up to him lying beside me.

Rolling on to his pillow; I am enveloped in his scent, that still lingered on the pillow. I love the way he smells, the rich seductive scent of his aftershave – that isn't just a scent, it is Jeffrey; his own personal scent that just becomes a part of who he is. Breathing in the scent, I feel that comfortable relaxed state take over me again as my phone starts ringing again. Reluctantly, I roll back to my side and grab my phone, this time checking the caller ID, and happily swiped the screen to answer and held it up to my ear.

"Hey buddy," I said – the caller was Charlie.

Charlie will often call me; we have become really good friends and I truly believe that he is the best thing that has ever happened to my friend Paige. After my friends, break up with Ryan; she had vowed that she would never fall in love again, that she would never allow a man to ever get that close to her again. I had been terrified that she had been right; any guy who approached her was dismissed without her even looking at him. If it hadn't been for Charlie, slowly pulling brick after brick, from the wall she had built around her heart, I was afraid that I would never see my best friend again; she had all but embraced the single life.

I hated that for her – Paige is one of those women, who isn't just beautiful; she has this amazing kind heart, that she is constantly putting out there for the people that she loves, and it's such an amazing trait for her that it would be devastating if she had followed her mindset about not allowing any man get close to her.

Then she met Charlie and he is one of those guys who is so trust-worthy that I knew that it was just exactly what my friend needed; and I knew that she could really love him, more than she had ever loved anyone, before. For example; Ryan fucking Reynolds.

I Can't Fight This Feeling - Jeffrey Dean Morgan Fanfic 18+Where stories live. Discover now