Chapter 27 - Hounded

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Chapter 27 - Hounded.

A Week Later;

Emily Sanders...

I had honestly thought that opening night would never get here, but tomorrow night was the night. I am so excited but nervous what if noone comes? What if we don't have enough stock? What if I didn't have enough staff? What if too many people come? What if my stalker comes? What if my stalker does something to the place?

There were far too many what if's in play, for my liking.

I had reached out to Paige through Charlie but she still wasn't happy with me and refused my invitation. It broke my heart; Paige has been my best friend for far longer than either of us can remember; I miss her. We should be hanging out ~ organising her wedding, getting the club ready for tomorrow night. I miss laughing with her, I miss talking to her ~ she is my best friend and that will never change for me.

I hate that I have hurt her and I wish that I could change things ~ but it's far too late for that; I am too far gone, in love with her dad. I know for sure how strange it sounds to say that and it does feel weird ~ but it also feels more right than anything that I have ever experienced before. Never in a million years had I ever thought that it would happen and even now, I find myself pinching my own arm to make sure that I am not dreaming. You'd think all the attention that we were getting would be enough to remind me that it was actually real, but no ~ my mind still needs that reminder.

Ever since those fucking photos had been exposed to the world ~ we had been nothing but hounded. Every time we left our homes, everywhere we went, our friends approached and asked to give their opinions on our relationship, my gynaecologist had even been approached and asked if Jeffrey and I were planning on having a family, we were followed and our photos taken ~ the headlines; were far from flattering of Jeffrey. I truly hate it ~ he had done absolutely nothing wrong; he is a good man and to see and hear his character being defamed; killed a small part of me and made an even bigger part of me, mad as all hell. Jeffrey laughed it off; telling me that he didn't give a fuck what anyone thought, but surely the constant judgment must be hard to take.

It was Jeffrey's PA; Adam, who advised us both not to say a word; and not fight anything that they do, which is difficult when they go through our trash, when they camp outside our homes, we are followed everywhere we go. It is like living in a fish bowl; every turn we make there is someone watching and scrutinizing us. Adam knew what he was doing; both Jeffrey and I trusted him, no questions asked.

"So, what's next boss?" Jeffrey asked me.

Jeffrey refused to let me go anywhere alone ~ so when I told him that I needed to get things done here, and if he insisted on coming with me, then he would have to roll up his sleeves and help me get ready. So, give him his due; that is exactly what he has been doing.

I know that he is just trying to keep himself busy; Paige hasn't been in touch with him either ~ she hasn't been at the house, she has sent Charlie to get clothes and anything else that she needed from his house. It was killing him; he felt terrible; and he wanted nothing more than to make things right between the 3 of us.

The thing with Paige ~ is that she likes to work things through at her own pace and in her own mind; without distractions. I know this, because I am exactly the same way and the more that we try to push her into coming around; the deeper she will dig her heels in ~ because that is exactly what I would do. It really doesn't help him to hear that because he prefers to deal with things head on, talk things out ~ come to some sort of conclusion together. I wish that there was something that I could do to help make it easier for him.

"Could you please go to the stock room and double check that I have I counted the right amount of barrels?"

"You got it boss~lady,"

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