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"I hate you all right now" Charlie groaned, laying face down on the practice room floor. They had arrived at JYP at 5am, and Charlie was beyond tired.

Hyunjin walked over, laying to her on his back, one arms under his head. Charlie rolled over, throwing her arms around him and sighing. "Okay maybe not all of you"

"Of course you don't hate me" Hyunjin giggled, using his free hand to pat her hair. A scoff came from the opposite side of the room, "will you two ever stop flirting?" Jisung grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Will Jeongin ever love you back?" Charlie asked, raising her left hand into the air, shaking it to resemble 'no' "you have your answer my friend"

The door opened and Chan walked in, dropping the notebook he had gone to retrieve from the studio onto the couch. "Okay, let's practice once more then we'll go and get something eat, sound good?" He clapped his hands once.

They other members began to get up, while Charlie groaned and rolled onto her back, looking over at the leader. "It is half past 6 in the morning...I am tired as all hell. Please can we wait for a bit 'till we practice?" She pleaded.

Chan shook his head, walking over to her, he grabbed her hands and pulled her up to her feet. "No, you shouldn't have stayed up 'till 3am on tumblr, now come on" he raised on eyebrow at her.

Charlie laughed, shrugging her shoulders. "You got me there, fineeee" she pulled her hands into her hoodie as they all got ready to practice, swinging the empty sleeves around.

"AHHH! I'm being attacked by a wild koala, help!!" She screamed when Felix grabbed the sleeves, wrapping them around her and tying them behind her back to stop her from moving. "That's payback" he smiled, walking away.

She smirked, "I think you forgot I can still kick" she lifted her foot, kicking the back his knee to make his knees buckle before running to the opposite end of the room.

Charlie turned her back to the rest of them, pulling her arms out of the hoodie and taking it off (luckily she was wearing a sports bra) and untying the knot Felix had made before sliding the hoodie back on and turning back around. "Ha!! I'm free!" She cheered, waving the end of the sleeved around that hung past her finger tips.

"You're really childish when you've had no sleep" Changbin laughed, throwing his arms around Charlie's shoulders from behind. She shook her head, "nooo, I'm always this childish" she smiled up at him.

The 10 of them eventually got around to practicing, rehearsing each dance at good 6 times before Chan called break. They all split to different sides of the room.

Charlie trudged over to the couch and fell backwards onto it, groaning when her head hit the wall. "Ouch, that hurt" she mumbled, rubbing the back of her head. A pair of footsteps padded towards her, the persons body dropping onto the couch beside her and dropping their head in her lap.

She opened one eye and looked down, locking gazes with Jeongin. "What's up Maknae?" She asked, lifting her hand to run it through his hair, the younger boy leaned into her touch.

"Nothing noona, just a little tired" he smiled, showing off his braces. They stayed like that until Minho paraded over and dropped his body next to Charlie's, resting his head on her shoulder.

"You stink of sweat" she groaned, pushing the older boy's head off her shoulder. He whined and latched onto her arm. "Shhh, you're comfortable, let me rest" he mumbled.

Charlie sighed closing her eyes and letting her head rest on top of his.


11:49 PM

"Finally" Charlie stretched, slipping of her shoes and pulling off her jacket. They members disappeared into their own bedrooms while Charlie went of to her own, luckily she has her own bedroom.

She locked the door behind her, quickly changing into comfortable clothes (sweatpants and a random hoodie) before leaving her room and going to the living room.

"I'm ordering food, what do you want?" Chan asked, looking up from his phone and at Charlie. She thought for a minute before smiling "Pizza!!"

They ended the night watching Netflix, surrounded by different foods. It wasn't long before they had all passed out on the couch, some cuddling others.

Charlie laid her head on Felix's shoulder, sleeping peacefully.


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Charlie || Stray Kids' 9th member [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now