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Requested by Scarlet-Periwinkle

Requested by Scarlet-Periwinkle

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Charlie x Changbin

The door creaked as Charlie closed it, kicking her shoes off as she did so.

"Anyone home?!" She yelled out, the boys were all meant to be out doing their own things. Upon getting no reply Charlie walked through the house, opening doors and looking into the rooms to double check.

Changbin was sat on his bed with his headphones on and laptop in his lap, his music cranked up so high that he didn't hear the door open or Charlie come in.

She leaned on the door frame, her hood still pulled over her head, watching him.

Eventually Changbin looked up, having felt someone watching him, and locked eyes with Charlie. He pulled he headphones down to his neck and set the laptop aside.

"I though you were going to the studio today?" Charlie asked as she walked over and sat down beside him. The older boy only shrugged.

"Thought it was better staying here, too cold outside, where d'you go?"

Charlie smiled, grabbing the sides of her hood and pulling it off. Her newly dyed hair, a dark red, fell down in waves. "Missed the red hair"

"Are you kidding me?" He suddenly exclaimed, an astonished look painting over his features.

"Whaaat? I think it looks nice" She chuckled nervously, running her hand through her hair.

Changbin rolled his eyes. "That's the second time you've dyed your hair this week-"


"I- if you keep dyeing your hair so much you'll end up with no hair to dye!" He exclaimed, his hands waving around dramatically.

Opening her mouth to speak, Charlie only closed it again, finding herself speechless.

"Stuck for words?" Changbin snickered, raising his eyebrow at her. "You know i'm right"

"Yeah but-"

He cut her off with a sigh, bringing his hand up to run it through her hair, which was surprisingly soft. "I won't lie it is nice! Your hair is beautiful i'd hate for you to loose it"

Charlie leaned into his touch, her head resting against his shoulder. "You know there's such things as wigs right?"

"Yes but they wouldn't be as nice as your real hair, so you've gotta slow down on the dyeing- both you and Chan hyung"

"At this rate we'll both end up
bald" Charlie giggled, making Changbin laugh too.

The older boy the sighed, wrapping his arm over her shoulder. "That seems like a worse case scenario, just- look after your hair"

"I already am! You should see all the hair stuff in my room!"

Changbin nodded. "Oh believe me i have seen it"

The two fell into silence and Changbin used his free hand to
pull his laptop onto his lap, his fingers dancing around the keys.

"I'm going to go and make something to eat, you hungry?" Charlie broke the silence, his arm falling of her shoulder as she stood up.

"No i think i'm okay" He shook his head and looked up, giving her a smile.

Charlie headed for the door, she smiled back at him. "Well, shout me if you need anything"

"Will do"

Charlie || Stray Kids' 9th member [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now