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~On the set of the Miroh MV~

"Are you not cold?" Minho questioned looking down at Charlie's exposed legs.

She shrugged and tugged the oversized puffer jacket over her shoulders, wrapping it around her body tightly.

"Not really, it isn't even that cold"

"Your cheeks are telling a different story" He snickered, reaching up to poke Charlie's cheek.

Her freckle covered cheeks were pink from the low temperatures. She scrunched her face up and stepped back from him.

Minho stepped closer to Charlie and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tug. "Come here, my little penguin"

"Penguin? No!" She whined, hitting him in the chest with the sleeve of her coat.

Chuckling, Minho pulled back and looked down at her, his lips pulling up into a smirk. "You are a little penguin! You can't walk properly in coats like this!"

It was true, when Charlie wore the massive puffer jackets, she tended to shuffle around like a penguin. Though she refused to acknowledge it.

"Hmm, i'm leaving..." She stated, turning her back to the older boy and starting to, waddle away.

As she made her way over Jisung she could hear Minho laughing, making her scowl even more.

Jisung turned around as Charlie walked up to him, the first thing he noticed was the scowl on her face. "What's with that look, huh? Who annoyed you this time?" He asked, lifting his hand to gently push her chin up with his finger.

"Minho..." She mumbled, resting her head on his shoulder.

Jisung sighed as shook his head, nonetheless wrapping his arms around the smaller girl.

"What'd he do this time?"

"He called me a penguin..."

Biting down on his bottom lip, Jisung stifled a laugh. "Really? What'd he say that for?" He teased.

Charlie looked up at him, her lips pushing out into a pout when she realised he was laughing as well.

"Not you as well!! God i hate you all..." She complained, prepared to walk away.

Though that was short lived as she only managed to take 3 steps before Jisung took hold of her arm and pulled her back.

"Oh come on Charlie, i'm only joking!" He laughed, one hand gently patting her hair.

"Whatever" she muttered, rolling her eyes.


Charlie stared at herself in the cameras viewfinder, carefully adjusting her hair so it looked decent. On the corner of the screen, in the corner of her eye, Charlie could see someone approaching her from behind.

As they got closer she noticed the blonde hair and black Gucci jumper, it was Felix.

She ignored him, continuing to mess around with her hair, knowing in the back of her head that the stylist would kill her if she messed it up too much.

A pair of arms, undoubtedly Felix's, wrapped around Charlie's waist from behind. The boy behind her resting his chin on her shoulder. "What's up?"

He shrugged. "I am freezing cold and you are warm, figure it out"

She sighed, spinning around to face him as the camera person walked away, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

Felix buried his face into the crook of her neck, basically using Charlie's as a heater.

"How are you not cold? It's like minus 10 degrees (Celsius because...yes) and you're in shorts..." Felix asked, his voice vibrating against her skin.

Charlie shrugged. "I don't know Lix, maybe because i'm used to it?"

"Whatever it is, you're really warm and i don't wanna move..." he mumbled, slowly staring to sway of from side to side.

Unbeknownst to them, across the way, Hyunjin and Seungmin were giggling to themselves watching the other two. Hyunjin had his phone out, recording Charlie and Felix for what him and Seungmin would call perfect blackmail material.

"OI YOU TWO, STOP FLIRTING AND GET OVER HERE!!" Chan called out of the pair, waving them over.

Hyunjin scrambled to put his phone away and they both turned around, attempting it not act suspicious.

As Charlie and Felix walked over, she was pulled off to the side by a stylist who wanted to make some alterations.

"you two were getting pretty cozy over there..." Hyunjin laughed, appearing next to Felix.

He jumped, one hand going over his chest in shock. Felix reached out and smacked Hyunjin's arm.

"Don't scare me like that! And shut up, you know i was just hugging her, no need to get jealous"

Felix smirked as Hyunjin's mood completely flipped, he rolled his eyes at him. "Jealous? Why would i be jealous?"

"Oh come on, i can smell the jealousy on the other side of set, don't lie"

"Whatever" Hyunjin sighed and walked off, leaving Felix laughing to himself.


"Warmth, finally!" Charlie exclaimed as she climbed into the car.

Compared to the freezing temperatures outside, the inside of the car was like a warm toaster ( did just read that)

Charlie was squished between Chan and Seungmin, using the leaders shoulder as a head rest, snuggling against him.

"Everyone ready to go?" The manager asked from the front seat, getting a chorus of tired yeses.

Charlie pulled her phone out, plugging in her headphones and putting them into her ears. She opened up youtube and clicked the first thing that caught her interest.

She shifted around in the seat until she was comfortable, pulling her sleeve all the way over the tips of her fingers, her focus on the video on her phone.

Her eyes grew tired and slowly started it close, her body feeling heavy. She attempted to keep her eyes open but before she knew it she was asleep on Chan's shoulder.


Charlie || Stray Kids' 9th member [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now