patch up

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(hi, i deleted 'bloodied and bruised' because of how ridiculous it was, just a little FYI.)

charlie x hyunjin~

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charlie x hyunjin

When the front door clicked open at 4AM Hyunjin, surprisingly, was the only one still awake. The others having turned in ages ago.

He was sat across the couch, preoccupied on his phone, and looked up when the floorboards creaked under someone's weight.

"hey, what are you still doing up?"

Charlie stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame, her skateboard tucked under her arm. She looked tired and out of breath but that's not what caught Hyunjin's attention.

He was more focused on the blood that stained the sleeve of her jacket and the side of her face.

"What the hell happened to you?"

Carefull, he reached out and cupped her cheek on the side of her face that wasn't blood stained and tried to get a better look at it.

"This?" Charlie questioned, motioning to the side of her face. "Nothing, just had a little...collision on the way home"

"Meaning?" Hyunjin prodded.

"I got hit by a cyclist that was going way to fast, fell off my board, and scratched my face up on the road" She shrugged it off casually.

His eyes widened at the information and he carefully pushed Charlie back, holding her at arms length. "You're not hurt anywhere else are you?"

She shook her head. "Nope, i mean i did scuff my hands a little but that's nothing."

Hyunjin let go of her arms and grabbed her hands, there were red scratches across her palms some dotted with blood.

When Charlie started giggling, he looked up from her hand and raised an eyebrow. "what?"

"you look like you're about to have a heart attack, calm down. i got hit by a bike not a bus." she laughed. "now if you'll excuse me i have to get rid of the blood before it uh...dries"

"Let me do it" Hyunjin offered, "It'll be easier and you looked really tired"

"fine- but only because you're right. i am a little tired"

Hyunjin took her bag and skateboard, leaving them by the couch before they both headed into the bathroom.

When the light flicked on Charlie winced, holding her hand up. "God damn has that thing always been that bright?"

The two of them moved around each other silently, going about the same routine they did every time they ended up in this situation.

Charlie climbed up onto the counter and leaned back against the mirror, shrugging off her jacket while Hyunjin grabbed the disinfectant and bandages from under the sink.

"Why were you still awake? It's nearly morning..." She questioned as Hyunjin set the stuff down and stood in front of her.

He shrugged. "I took a nap earlier so i couldn't sleep, and i was kinda hungry"

As Hyunjin started to clean the blood off of the side of her head, Charlie took the opportunity to stare at him and admire.

Even under the blinding bathroom light and with the tired look plastered across his face, he was still undoubtedly beautiful. His long blonde hair was hidden by his hood but a few strands fell loose.

"I can feel you staring at me" Hyunjin mumbled, turning to pick up the alcohol wipe. "See something you like?"

Charlie rolled her eyes. "Shut up, i had no where else to look."

"Sure...this is going to sting"

She shrugged. "I'm used to it"

When the wipe moved over the cut on her head, Charlie hissed and screwed her eyes shut at the stinging feeling.

"Thought you were used to it?" Hyunjin quipped, raising an eyebrow.

"Still hurts" She retorted, cracking her eyes open to glare at him.

After a minute the wipe was gone and replaced by a plaster being stuck over her wound gently.

"There" Hyunjin sighed. "Done. You okay?"

Charlie nodded. "Better now that the side of my face isn't covered in blood. My head hurts though..."

He snickered in response. "Well it would considering you face planted the floor, pain killers?"

"I have a better a idea"

"Which is?"

The corner of Charlie's lips quirked up. "Kiss it better?"

Hyunjin chuckled. "Really? How old are you?"

"Please?" She pouted, staring up at him with the best puppy dog eyes she could muster.

"You're lucky i love you" He muttered before leaning over and pressing his lips to the side of her head. "Better?"

She nodded and Hyunjin felt the smile pull at his lips unwilling, he sighed and shook his head, looking down.

The two of them sat in silence as Hyunjin cleaned and bandaged her hands, pressing his lips to the palms of her hands.

"See this is why you shouldn't be allowed to ride a skateboard, because you get hurt" He commented, jokingly, as he threw away the rubbish.

Charlie snorted, swinging her legs slowly. "No, some cyclists just need to slow the hell down, they come out of nowhere!"

Hyunjin hummed in agreement as he turned to her and held out a hand, which Charles grabbed as she hopped off of the counter.

"You'll probably have a headache in the morning" He stated as they exited the bathroom, turning off the light.

Charlie shook her head, snickering. "I have a headache right now"

They made it to Charlie's bedroom after retrieving her stuff from the living room and the girl immediately collapsed onto her bed, closing her eyes with a content sigh. "I'm so tired...."

From his place by her desk, Hyunjin yawned. "Yeah me too, i'll see you in the morning...or afternoon"

Before the boy could leave the room, Charlie called out. "Hang on!"

She rolled up onto her feet and walked over to him, pushing up onto her toes to press a kiss to his cheek.

"Thank you for patching me up, i'll buy you breakfast tomorrow as a proper thank you?"

Hyunjin grinned at the mention of free food. "Deal"

Parting ways with silent 'goodnight's' the pair both fell asleep with smiles on their tired faces, unbeknownst to the other.


thoughts? and requests? let me know!!

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