Sleepless nights

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~ Charlie x Bang Chan ~

~ Charlie x Bang Chan ~

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3:05 AM

Charlie laid in bed, headphones in and blasting an ASMR video she'd downloaded, quietly scrolling through her instagram.

She absentmindedly scrolled past posts and liked them, stopping to read the occasional bit of fan fiction or study a meme.

Rolling onto her stomach, she rested her arms on the pillows and continued to mindlessly scroll on her.


Her fingers froze at the two knocks, her head whipping around faster that normal to look at the door. She pulled her headphones out and dropped her phone onto the pillow before standing up.

Quietly, she shuffled over to the door and twisted the lock to unlock it, pulling the door open a sigh left her lips.

Chan stood on the other side of the door. He had on a pair of black sweatpants and a black long sleeve top, his hair was natural and curly and stuck up in every other direction.

"Can't sleep?" Charlie asked, he nodded tiredly. She opened the door fully and he stumbled into the room, walking over to her bed and collapsing face first onto it.

Charlie bit back a giggle and gently closed the door, after locking it she followed his footsteps and crashed onto the soft mattress.

Pushing himself up onto his elbows, Chan looked up at the Charlie, he looked physically drained.

Charlie shuffled backwards on her bed until she her back hit the head board. "You gonna stay there or what?" She joked, a smile playing on her lips.

"This is not the time for jokes, Charlie" He grumbled as he pulled himself across the bed on his elbows.

Chan collapsed at her side and laid his head on her lap, curling up into a ball against her. She smiled down at the leader and placed her hand on the top of his head, gently running her fingers through his hair.

No matter how much older or physically larger Chan was compared to Charlie, he always found comfort in curling up against her and, most of the time, falling asleep.

Charlie picked up her phone placed it on her beside table before looking back down at Chan. "What's keeping you up

"I don't know..." He whispered, his voice had gotten deeper. Charlie sighed and continued to run her hand through his hair.

Forcing his eyes open, Chan rolled over a small bit to look up at Charlie, a question playing on his mind. She looked down at his questionably, almost as if she knew he was hesitant to talk.

"Can you read to me?"

For a moment Charlie tensed up, her hands freezing. She breathed in and let her body relax before nodding slowly. Her eyes scanned the room, landing on the book on her bedside table.

She gently pulled her hand away from Chan's hair and leaned over to grab the book. It was one that she'd finished the other day, but if Chan wanted to her to read then she'd happily re read it.

Through the darkness, Chan managed to make out the title of the book.

'Percy Jackson and the lighting thief'

As Charlie flicked over the pages a few times, Chan slowly sat up. He pulled back the covers and climbed under them, leaning against Charlie's side and wrapping his arm over her waist.

"Comfortable?" Charlie questioned, holding the book open with one hand. He nodded and shuffled close to her.

She started to read, her voice filling the once silent room, accompanied by he occasional sound of the pages being turned.

Her accent shone through as she spoke, which was somewhat calming to Chan. He could feel his eyes start to droop as she continued on, he was undoubtedly falling asleep.

Around 60 pages in, Charlie took a pause and looked down, the smile already present on her lips growing at the sight of Chan sleeping peacefully.

As quietly and quickly as she could, Charlie marked the page and closed the book before setting it down on the table. She gently pushed Chan back until he was lying on his side with a pillow under his head.

"Night night Channie, sleep well" She leaned down and whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

Charlie laid down beside him with her back turned to him and pulled her covers up. An arm snaked around her waist and tugged her backwards, she felt Chan's head fall into the crook of her neck.

Sighing, she shuffled around until she was comfortable and closed her eyes, it was only moments until she was asleep herself.

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