Under the mistletoe

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Requested by _taebreeze
- Charlie x Hyunjin
- fluff??


Charlie stopped just before the doorway of the living room, eying the ladder that someone stood up on. "What in the seven shades of hell are you doing, Jisung?"

Said boy looked down, grinning cheekily. He finished doing whatever it was he was doing and jumped of the ladder. "I am causing drama in the dorm"

"So nothing new then..." Charlie sighed, she looked up to where he had been working in and furrowed her eyebrows. "Mistletoe? Have you gone completely insane?"

The small green ornament hung in the doorway, the entrance to living room being Jisung's choice of attack.

Charlie turned to him, "you do realise the majority of the people in this house are male? I don't think they wanna be kissing each other anytime soon" Jisung shrugged. "Yeah well I'm following traditions so shush, and plus you're here as well so you never know" he winked.

She rolled her eyes, turning back around and walking down the hallway, taking the chance to warn the rest of the boys by shouting "GUYS JISUNG'S PUT MISTLETOE IN THE DOORWAY OF THE LIVING ROOM SO BE CAREFUL"


9:23 PM

Hours had passed since the little Mistletoe discussion that Charlie had had with Jisung, with the amount of chaos in the dorm half of them had forgotten about it, including Charlie.

She sat on the kitchen counter next to Chan, who was busy cooking. Music played from the radio just loud enough to be heard over the sounds coming from the living room where some of the boys were playing video games.

"So, you've gotten Christmas sorted then?" Chan continued heir conversation, they'd been discussing the situation with Christmas presents.

"Mate I got those sorted in November, I have no need to worry." She shrugged, swinging her legs. Chan nodded thoughtfully and continuing moving around the kitchen.

Their conversation died down and Charlie started singing along to the song on the radio, an old Christmas song

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go~ take a look in the five and ten, it's glistening once again, with candy canes and silver lanes aglow~"

Chan looked over at her, smiling softly. "You seem happy" he stated.

She nodded, "of course, it's a few days before Christmas! Although I may not feel like it...I'm still excited"

"It's because you're getting older, as you grow Christmas doesn't seem as exciting as it did when you were five. Here try this"

He held up a spoon of the food he was cooking. Charlie gladly took it and ate it, her eyes widening. "Hmmm this is nice!!"

She dropped the spoon into the sink and jumped off the counter, straightening out her sweatpants. "Right, I'm off to watch the boys play video games, laters!"

She left the kitchen and walked down the corridor, humming along to the song she was singing mere moments ago. Coming up to the living room, she stopped at the doorway and leaned against it.

Felix, Jisung, Minho and Seungmin were sat in a little group, the TV displaying Felix's game of fortnite. The curtains were closed and the main light was off, the only light coming from the two lamps and candles scattered across the room, giving the room a warm glow.

A gust of wind blew threw the house as the front door opened, Hyunjin came into the dorm and practically slammed the door behind them trying to get away from the biting winds.


Charlie jumped at the sudden voice by her ear, turning around and coming face to face with Hyunjin, who's nose was slightly pink from the cold. She reached up and hit his arm slightly "don't scare me like that!"

"Ow okay sorry" he giggled, using his other hand to rub the place on his and where Charlie had hit. "Can I at least get a hug?" He pouted, holding his arms out.

"Fine" she groaned, her arms wrapping around his shoulder and hanging loosely. Hyunjin smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her body closer to his, burying his face into the crook of her neck.

Charlie's hands gently played with his hair, twisting his blonde locks between her fingers, she still had to get used to seeing him with such light hair.

"See I knew I did a golden job by putting Mistletoe right there, wasn't i right?" Jisung smacked Felix's arm, pointing over to the two hugging. Felix started laughing, catching the attention of Charlie.

"What's so funny, Lix?" She asked, letting go of Hyunjin and turning around.

Seungmin started laughing as well, pointing above their heads. Charlie looked up, her eyes widening. "Shit, i knew there was something I forgot about"

"And now...." Jisung stares between giggles "you must kiss Hyunjin"

Charlie groaned, looking in the corner of her at Hyunjin, who had leaned against the wall with no expression on his face. "Do i have to??" She whined.

"IT'S A TRADITION CHARLIE, DO IT" Chan shouted from the kitchen, Charlie was surprised he even knew what was going on.

With another groan she turned to face Hyunjin, she mouthed a 'sorry' to him before leaning up and quickly pecking his lips.

"There, kissed. Now I'm leaving"

She got out of the living room fast, going into her room and slamming the door, leaning against it and closing her eyes.

She could the boys laughing from in the living room, Hyunjin included.

"What's wrong with you?"

"AHH what the fuck Changbin? Since when were you in here?" She exclaimed, placing a hand on her heart. The older boy was sat at her desk with a notebook in front of him, his lyric book.

"It was quite in here and your bed is comfortable" he stated, placing the cap back onto the pen and set it down onto the table, leaning back in the chair.

Charlie furrowed her eyebrows, "then why are you sat at my desk?"

"To be honest, I'm not really sure, but ANYWAY we're straying from the topic! What happened out there? I can practically smell Jisung's stupidity"

She hesitated for a moment.

"I kissed Hyunjin, probably a very bad decision but according to those idiots it's traditions" she sighed.

Changbin laughed, spinning the chair around. "Well, you're screwed"

"Yes, thank you for stating the obvious, Binnie" she rolled her eyes.

"You're welcome"

Charlie || Stray Kids' 9th member [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now