Home alone & bored as hell

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Requested by: Han_jisungie_stan

Charlie x Jisung

12:03 PM



Again. "Charlieeee"

Still nothing.

Jisung sighed, annoyed at the lack of reply. He stood up from the couch, brushing the cookie crumbs off his jumper and walking down the hall to Charlie's room.


"Come in!" Charlie called from the other side of the door, Jisung pushed it open and hopped into the room, shutting the door behind him.

Charlie was sat on her bed, laptop placed on her lap with her headphones hanging around her neck. Her rounded glasses sat on the bridge of her nose, the hood of her jumper bunched up at her neck. "What's up, Ji?"

Jisung waddled over to her bed, throwing himself down beside her and looking up at her. "I'm bored and no one else is hereeee" he whined like a child, throwing one of his arms over Charlie's waist and cuddling into her side.

She sighed, moving her right hand from the laptop of the top of his head, gently playing with his dark blue hair. His eyes fluttered closed, a small smile grazing over his lips. Charlie giggled at him, taking her hand off his head and starting to tap
on her laptop again.

"nooooo~ that was relaxing" he whined, tightening his arm around her. Charlie laughed, shaking her head. "Sorry Jisungie I can't play with your hair all day, I've got stuff to do"

Jisung looked up at her, his big innocent brown eyes staring up into her icy blue ones. "Take a break, pleaseee, just for a little bit." He pleaded, giving Charlie his best puppy eyes.

She looked away, knowing the look on her face would convince her straight away.

"Charlieeeee, just for an hour or two, please. I don't wanna be by myself"

She sighed. "Fine, only for an hour" she pointed firmly, he nodded enthusiastically, sitting up with a big grin.

"What shall we do?"

Jisung stopped, thinking. "Netflix? I hear there's some good new shows"

"Netflix it is!!"


Charlie had placed her laptop where they could both see it. Jisung comfortably laid his head on her chest, Charlie's right hand running through his blue locks making him more sleepy.

"Hey, don't fall asleep"

He looked up, smiling at Charlie. "Don't worry, I won't, i promise"


3:18 PM

"It's only 20 past 3??"

Jisung gaped at his phone, shocked at how little amount had passed. Charlie sat up, her back cracking as she stretched her arms above her head.

She sighed, leaning forwards to grab the laptop. "Okay, now I've gotta get back to work"

"Do you have to??" Jisung I started whining, throwing his body on top of hers. She groaned at the added weight, though it wasn't much, pushing herself back up making Jisung fall backwards.

"Yes, I have to. I've gotta get this stuff done"

Jisung wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin against her shoulder. "Must you? Why should you do work when we could be having fun?"

"Okay firstly that sounds strange" she pointed out, making Jisung giggle. "And second, what is there to do? I'm not leaving this house at all, it's too cold out there" she pointed to her window .

"Come on Char, let's play video games or something, it's really boring without everyone here!!" He whined, tightening his arms around her and swaying side to side the tiniest bit.

Charlie sighed, biting down on her bottom lip. "Fine, I guess this can wait" she closed the laptop, pushing to forward. Jisung cheered, letting go of her and jumping up from the bed, he grabbed Charlie's hands and pulled her to her feet.

Slowly, she walked over of her desk and dropped down into the chair. Jisung pulled up the extra chair and sat to her, turning his head to watch her as she set up her games console.

"Sungie you can stop staring, I'm not that good looking"

He giggled in embarrassment, quickly turning his head to the other side to hide the embarrassed blush on his cheeks. Charlie giggled and handed him a controller. "Prepare....to be absolutely beaten at this game...by me"

He raised an eyebrow at her,
"Oh really? Okay this just got serious"


6:38 PM

"Look who finally decided it come back!!"

Charlie and Jisung walked into the living room, he sat beside Woojin and Charlie dropped down beside Seungmin.

"What've you two been doing all day?" Seungmin asked, nudging Charlie in the side. She rolled at her eyes at his smirk, "we played video games and watched films, not what your thinking you idiot" she hit his shoulder.

"Yeah, besides she's Hyunjin's girl" Jisung smirked, earning a smack around the back of his head form Hyunjin. "For the millionth time, we aren't dating"


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