"Here, wear this"

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Charlie x Minho ~

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Charlie x Minho

Sometimes Charlie really hated award shows. Especially during the winter.

Most of the time it wasn't that bad, the venues were large buildings that were usually warm considering the amount of people packed into the space and all the lights and stuff.

And usually, 9 times out of 10, she was dressed up in outfits that kept her covered up while still making her look good.

Today just wasn't that day. Firstly the event they were attended was in an open space. Secondly, it was cold. Freezing cold. And third, probably the worst of all, the stylists had decided to go off on one with Charlie's outfits and put her in something with the intent of "showing off her figure" (^)

It wasn't that Charlie hated dresses, no, in fact she quite liked them. As long as they had sleeves that covered her arms and didn't feel like they were a second from snapping her ribs.

So now she sat there cold, uncomfortable and the slightest bit in pain.

Another gust of wind blew through the air and she internally groaned, curling in on herself even further.

Her hands clutched onto her arms, goosebumps appearing underneath them, and she leaned forward slightly to rest her elbows on her legs.

That was another issue, she couldn't lean forward too much or the world would get a view of her chest which she certainly didn't want.

"You okay?"

The voice appeared right by her ear and made her jump, snapping her out of her own thoughts and back into the real world.

Charlie looked to the right, leaning back slightly when she came to be a few centimetres away from Minho's face, the boy grinning at little at her reaction.

When she was silent he raised an eyebrow in question and she nodded.

"Yeah...yeah i'm fine, why?"

"Really?" He pressed, completely unconvinced by the girls tone of voice. "Not cold?"

'Cold is an understatement, I'm freezing' Charlie thought to herself, but instead she shook her head at Minho.

"No, I'm okay, not cold" She lied, the look on his face told her she didn't believe him, so she continued. "I swear, i'm fine"

He hummed and eyed her suspiciously, but luckily for her before he could continue his questioning his attention was grabbed by Chan who sat on his other side.

Once he looked away Charlie slumped over, huddling her legs closer to herself in an attempt to keep warm. Turning her attention to her necklace, she took the small charm between her fingers and fumbled with it, hoping to focus on anything else except the weather.

A larger gust of wind blew past, making Charlie's hair fly in face, and she was unable to stop the way she shuddered from the cold.

Someone tapped her shoulder and she straightened up a little, looking over she shoulder. Before she could look, something heavy landed over her shoulders and a familiar scent filled her nose.

"You're a terrible lair, I could tell you were freezing" Minho commented, adjusting the black suit jacket over Charlie's shoulders before dropping his hands back into his lap, flashing the girl a smile.

She looked between the jacket and him a few times. "Hang on, you'll be cold in just a shirt"

Attempting the slide the jacket off her shoulders, Minho stopped her and gently pulled the sides of it closer around her.

"And i'll feel like a bad person if i have to watch you sit here and turn into a icicle. Take the jacket, and hush" He smiled, tapped the tip of her nose with his finger then casually turned back to his previous conversation.

For a moment Charlie sat there, a smile pulling at her lips unknowingly. She sat up straight and tugged the jacket back, pulled her arms through the sleeves and wrapped it around her body, the cold slowly disappearing until she was left with warmth and the nice smell of Minho's cologne.


First actual piece of writing in a while, damn. Hi!

i don't know who's gonna see this or even read it, but i'd like to know anyway! i've got a Kpop OC group called 'Diamond' in my drafts and i was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading it if i started posting it (alongside this book)?

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