vouge korea friendship test interview

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charlie + jisung

"3, 2, 1! Action!"

Charlie skipped around the board dividing where her and Jisung stood, sitting down on the crate behind it. She rested her elbows on the bottom of the opening in the divider, staring at the boy with a grin.

One of the staff members behind the camera read out the first question. "What was your first impression of Charlie?"

Rocking back on his heels, Jisung barked out a laugh as he looked back at her, the way her expression dropped amusing.

"When I first saw Charlie, I was a little bit...intimated by her-"

"What?" Said girl interjected, wide eyed. "Seriously?"

He nodded, "Yeah! We were on opposite ends of the corridor and for a second i thought she was a vampire"

Charlie snickered. "Vampire?"

"Because your hair was black at the time and you were really pale-"

"I'm still really pale"

"-and you just seemed intimidating too! I was also really curious about what she was good at, because I couldn't tell from just seeing her"

Charlie sighed, a small smile on her lips. "I don't know whether to fell flattered or offended..."

"And what about now?" The same staff member injected, shifting the topic.

"Now?" Jisung repeated. "She's scary when she wants to be, and not intimidating at all- she's too small."

"Hey!" She exclaimed, glaring at the dark haired boy. He only shrugged at her and gave an innocent smile.

Charlie rolled her eyes, propping her chin up on her hand as the staff continued. "What is Charlie to you?"

Jisung raised an eyebrow at the question, slowly looking over his shoulder at the girl in question. She brought both hands up to cup her cheeks, flashing the boy the sweetest smile she could.

"Charlie is..." He trailed off, "She is someone that i can always rely on, for anything."

"Aw, i'm flattered" The girl sang from behind him.

"What are her strengths?" The staff continued.

Jisung hummed. "Strengths?"

From behind him Charlie shrugged to herself. "I don't think there are any"

"She cares a lot" He finally said, "About the people around her and strives to we're all okay- kind of like a mother does. And she's someone that listens and you can talk to her about anything."

"That's a strength?" She whispered to him. eyebrows furrowed.


The two do then switched sides, Charlie now standing in front of the divider with Jisung behind her.

"My turn~" She sang, pulling the sleeves of her cardigan over her hands. "This is gonna be fun."

Jisung winced and pulled a face. "I think i should be scared"


"What was your first impression of Han?" The staff cut through there squabble.

Charlie snickered. "My first impression was a bit rude, to be honest"

Charlie || Stray Kids' 9th member [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now