Kevin no watch the light dude

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Ahhh Kevin. You're one hell of a son of a bitch. I hate you. And yes, I am completely able to hate my own characters. See me write a story, I'll hate people who do bad shit to my people. So Kevin. This will be for you. Just a normal day with jessie. To show how bad kevin can be to my fellow peer Karla. Oh boy, yes he did rape her. I am mad at Jessica for not seeing the future. For not being able to see that Kevin will rape her in the future. You dumb naive girl. But hey, it was her first relationship, she doesn't understand how that shit works.

Kv- *calls jess* come over.

J- (Aww he wants to spend time with me!) Yeah sure!

Kv- *hangs up*

J- *runs downstairs* mom can I go hang out with Kevin?!

L- I don't see why you shouldn't.

J- yay! Thank you! *bolts out the door*

Barney- *runs out the door as well and follows Jessie*

J- huh? Barney! Cmon buddy, let's get you back. *walks back home*

Bn- *follows*

J- *puts Barney inside then walks out towards Kevin's house*

~at Kevin's house~

J- Hi kevy!

Kv- first of all, I told you no nicknames. Second of all, where the hell were you?

J- ah sorry. I was taking too long was I?

Kv- no you were! Did you hang out with that Zack boy?

J- what? No! Barney followed me outside and I had to take him back inside. I only realized he was following me half way here so that's why it took long.

Kv- liar! I can't believe you'd cheat on me!

J- kev... Kevin... I wasn't cheating on you. *kneels done in front of you* I'm sorry I worried you. I didn't want you to think I went to Zack's house. What I said was the truth. I'm sorry kevin.

Kv- you should be!

J- *looks down* I'm sorry.

Kv- want to make it up to me?

J- yes, I don't want you to be angry with me.

Kv- don't sit with Zack. He doesn't like me, which means he obviously wouldn't like us. So if you stay away we'll be happier!

J- but zack is my dearest friend-

Kv- shhhht. Do you want me to be mad and beat the shit out of your little Zack?

J- *gasps* no. Don't hurt him.

Kv- then do as I say.

J- okay.

Kv- you should get going. I'll give you time to break it off with zack.

J- alright. Bye bye *leaves*

~at home~

J- *sitting at her desk with her phone in her hand* should I? Why would I? I shouldn't, that's zack! Why would I stop being friends with zack. But Kevin did say that he would get in the way of our happiness... *stares at her phone and debates*


J- coming! *leaves her phone there*

*she typed out her breaking it off with zack and accidentally sent it*

Ma- I made spaghetti.

J- yummy! When's dad going to be home?

Ma- soon he said he went to go get milk. You go through a gallon a day.

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