Karla, you're a fucking genius
It was the first day of senior year in the town of Balstapio. A regular day on the moon Titan.
1,000 years ago our people were able to create atmospheres pertaining to the Earth life before. The earth, once blue is the legend, is now black. The waters are filled with oil and the land all dried and lava poured over each and every square inch of ground.
Titan was a fun planet, or moon I guess. Right now our scientist are creating a better way to travel to each moon of Saturn.
Unlike our said earth, our sand is not a brown or tan color, it is a light blue color. And we don't get a lot of sun. So, if you live in the country, you get fake solar rays to shine on the plants. And if you live in the city, then you have to wait for the actual sun to shine.
I want to work for the space field of Titan. President Adonis has a special program each year for students of any school to enter in and have the chance to go straight to a space science school.
I arrived at the gates and saw my best friend Karla talking with a teacher.
"Miss I have been wondering, why don't we have any animal programs. Not many people are working in that field but compared to the earth books, we're missing a lot more ecosystems and a lot more animals." I shook my head, she was going off again about her animals.
"Karla, I know you're very smart for the animals and ecosystem, but our school just simply cannot afford an ecosystem class."
"That's lame."
I walked up to Karla and smiled at the teacher before dragging her away.
"Karla chill."
"But I want a class. I've only been asking every four years!" The end of her sentence got angrier, louder, and faster.
"Calm down. You know when you sign up for the school they're going to take you immediately. All these schools are about passion. Hell I heard that there are not enough couples, and that's something that the schools want."
"I know... but it's lame."
"You'll be fine. While I.... will not be fine. It'll be a mess. So many people want to go into the space program, I'm just one in a couple hundred thousand."
"But you'll do great on your reasoning paper. You're passionate, you've always been attracted to it. You know everything about it. You're getting 5 credits of math and science when you only need four in math and three in science. Jess you got this."
"Look at us both doubting ourselves!"
The bell rang loud and clear and we sighed.
"Can't wait, time listen to the same rules we listened to last year." Karla sighed.
"And the year before that."
"And the year before that."
"And the year before that."
It went like this until we got to class and sat down.
"Good evening class."
"Good evening." Everyone said in sync.
"I am first going to take role call and then I'll tell you about me. I am not going to make you guys go and get to know each other because... I mean cmon. You guys all grew up together except a few."
"Finally, a teacher that understands." Karla said, sitting back in her seat.
"For real."
We heard the teacher saying names that we already knew, we only really listened for our name.