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Jessica sat down at the lunch table, sitting in between Karla and Zack. Karla was on her left and Zack was on her right. That day, William was sick, so he didn't show up.

Jess planned to go to his house after school and make him soup. Zack and Karla were talking but Jessie wasn't in the mood to speak. And so she blasted her music through her earbuds and thought.

Often when she thought, she would stare at one spot and forget to blink. Sometimes Karla or Zack would snap in her face to make sure she was alive and to make her blink.

Did she mind? No, not really, because for that second of reality, she stopped thinking.

She smiled at then and avoided eye contact with Zack.

Soon Jane came over and hugged Zack. "Zack, babe, wanna come over to my house today?"

"I'll be late because of baseball practice."

"That's fine."

"Alright then I'll come." He smiled at her and she walked away really happy.

Jessie put her ear buds in and ignored the rest of the cafeteria.

When Jess got to first hour, Zack sat next to her like he did everyday.

"You're going to Williams house after school?" She nodded. "Tell him I said if he doesn't get better I'll hit him with my bat." She nodded again, then smiled, avoiding confrontation.

"I will do that."

His confused face rested and smiled back at the girl. Again, Jane came by.

"Bae, so there's a partner project, can you be my partner?" She flaunted off her boobs and looked at him with shimmering eyes.

"How could I say no to my girlfriend?" Jane smiled and stood next to Jess' desk, waiting for her to stand up.

Jess stood and walked over to Karla, who already had a partner because she thought Jess would go with Zack.

"Fucking Jane already picked him." Karla nodded and sighed.

"Sorry, if I knew that, I wouldn't have picked my partner."

"It's fine, I'll just partner with William, I'm going to his house anyways." Jessica released her squeeze of her temples and walked over to her teacher.

"Im going to William's house today, and I thought, why not also be his partner, is that okay?"

Her teacher, Mr. Yang looked at her above his glasses and sighed, "yeah I guess that's alright. Just get as much done as you can today."

She nodded and walked away to an empty table, grabbing her laptop and working hard.

Every now and then, she'd look up and see Zack and Jane smiling and laughing. She would watch Zack wrap his arm around Jane's waist and pull her closer when he'd laugh.

Jessica sighed and watched videos for the rest of class.

Finally school was over and Jess drive to William's house.

"Yes Jess?"

"I came her to do a project with you and to make you soup."

William smiled and opened his door wider for her to walk in. Jess sat down on the familiar kitchen counter with her laptop.

"I'll send you the slides. But what we're doing is we are going to find new technology and see how much different it is compared to similar things and see what it's made out of, how convenient it is pertaining to the area, if it is better than the new things, when it was made, who it was made by, and what it's for of course." She let out a breath and smiled at William who just chuckled.

Zack because I love ZackieWhere stories live. Discover now