2- the call

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[ a few weeks later ]

elio ° ·˙

he called me, he called me and he broke my heart. when the everlasting call had ended, i let out a breath i didn't even know i was holding. my lungs filled with the air they were craving, yet i still felt like i was suffocating.

oliver has just explained that he's engaged to a woman it's almost worse that it's a woman, was i so bad i turned him straight, or was he always straight and i wasn't good enough? he called my parents as well as i heard them in my fathers office squealing about how happy they were for him.


the whole summer was bullshit, he was on a 'break' from this engagement the whole time he was with me. i was his break!! i didn't even scream at him on the phone. i whispered elio to him, in hope he would return the favour and tell me this was some big
misunderstanding. he replied with oliver, but didn't tell me he loved me. i hung up.

it's become cold recently, aha foreshadowing? and my birthday is steadily approaching, november eleventh. it's currently november second.

i spent most of the day sitting in front of the antique fire place in our dining room, willing my tears not to fall, but by god they fell and fell until my mother came in and called me to eat, saying it was 'going to get better', what else am i good for.

i didn't have the will to live, but telling myself i could be happier without him, helped. barely.

i heard the dinner bell ringing and got up from my place on my bed. my eyes were red and puffy from the tears i let go of last night. i walked swiftly down the stairs, the sound of my shoes echoing around the house.

i loved this house, i pretty much grew up here anywhere else was a blur in my childhood except for the days i spent with my parents and grandparents, swimming or learning how to ride a bike in the streets of crema, during he time when american men with strong scents and muscles meant that uncle dom was visiting.

i'm so stupid, i let myself fall in love with a man who was going to leave me anyway. i wanted to hurt myself but i couldn't give him the satisfaction, and i never have seen much point in that stuff anyways.

"goodmorning" i greeted my parents, my voice was still husky from the crying. my father, for once, looked up from his papers and had a good look at me. they were both sitting in the dining room, as now the garden was getting too cold for outside meals.

"sit with us" he beckoned and i listened to him. i took the seat opposite from him and looked to his eyes that were gazing into mine.

"oliver has politely asked if he can spend summer with us here" a smile spread across my face, maybe he wasn't going to marry her after all.

"with his fiancé" my father finished and i immediately slouched back into my seat. how dare he invade my space for the second time. and how dare my father agree! maybe i'll stay at home this summer coming.

"the day after he tells me, he wants me to meet her; when are they getting married?" i ask, all very quickly, trying to seem uninterested.

"the marriage is next year some time, he said after the summer probably in november some time" he explained, his eyes wandering over my face.

"probably my birthday" i scoffed. my mother raised her eyebrows at me.

"elio that's not fair, you can not hate him because of this" she explained, placing her hand on top of mine, i snatched my hand away.

"why not? why can i not be angry that he played me, he knew he would hurt me but did nothing to soften the blow!" my eyes began to fill with tears and i explained to them how i was feeling. they listened and didn't ask until i was finished.

"god doesn't hate you, he'd love you even if you killed oliver,  and then both of us" my father said, a slight smile playing on his lips. his eyes flickered to the star hanging from a chain on my neck.

i let my mouth curve upward, staring at the egg that was currently on my plate. i ate it quickly, drowning out the sound of my father and mother speaking about a greek classic that somehow related to my situation.

"i'm gonna go into town" i said, standing from my seat and turning from the room.

i walked directly to my room and sat down on the bed, in the centre of the room. since the summer my parents have been talking to me about music school, but i kept declining. i think oliver was what was stopping me, what if he came back and needed my attention. i guess now i have nothing to stop me.

i sigh heavily and stand from my place on the comfortable bed. i've been feeling an urge for someone since he left. i care very much for marzia but she isnt what i want, what i'm craving for.

i open my wardrobe and see oliver's shirt hanging on the door. i take it and shove it right to the back. after that, i pull out a knitted blue jumper and beige pants. i put them both on and walk downstairs to see my parents.

my mother was singing a song in french, i couldn't really understand as she was only singing under her breath. but i knew it was loosely about two lovers, that lost each other on a boat.

i left the house and got into the car, my father had taught me how to drive over the last few months to distract me and it's really helped me. i drove all the way to the store and parked quite close, but still a little walk away.

as i left the car, i had memories of when i told oliver that i just wanted to be with him, that was the day after we had slept to together in the very bed i sleep in now. i shake the thought from my head before i let them consume me.

i felt a slight wetness on my face and reached up to clear it away before anyone could see. i made my way into the store and bought a few pencils as i was running out. i also purchased a new tape that i could listen to over the holidays.

i left the store and looked around, there was love everywhere you looked. 'italy truly is the worst place to be single'. i thought to myself, at least i'm not in paris.

i walked back to my car and noticed a boy leaning against it. "scusami" i said quietly, not wanting to startle him.

he looked at me quickly and i took in all his features, he didn't look like a typical italian man so i had to assume he wasn't.

"oh, my bad" he said with a british accent. my brows furrowed accidentally.

"oh no, don't worry" i replied with a smile.

"i just seem to be lost, i don't know where on earth im going" he said quickly and blushed a little, he was clearly embarrassed which made me feel a little powerful because for once someone was asking me for help.

"well maybe i could show you around?" i asked, and just like that it was over. it all came back to me, i had a few seconds of peace before it was interrupted by the man that won't leave my head.

"actually, i have somewhere to be i'm sorry" i said and quickly got into my car. i could tell the man was confused but i didn't have the brain capacity for it. i pulled out of my parking space and started on my way back to safety.

so this is my second chapter, duh! whoops please ignore me i'm a little awkward. so i really hope you enjoyed this, i know the time skip made it a little confusing.

i don't really know where i'm going with this story to be honest, just filling the time before the second book releases!!

please vote, comment and share my story so i can reach other viewers.

gracias!! 🎄

[ editing sarah ]
once again i thought this could've been WORSE!
i fixes a few plot holes though, so i'd prefer if people read this one instead of my before chapters lol

word count: 1452

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