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the end of winter came and went fast, we were fully into summer before i even had time to process what had gone on.

i was, i am angry he is such a player of emotions, my emotions. it's like he played with me to learn the game and now he's mastered it, he has total control. not that he didn't already.

the day i came back from the airport was completely different from the train station. i was fuming over all the little details, how he didn't look at me once until he walked away, how he stood as far from me as possible and spoke only to my parents. i almost hit a wall before i realised how crazy i was being.

i have to move on, it's my only option. there's no point moping for the whole summer, again.

i've actually been enjoying myself recently, me and elijah have a lot more in common than i would've excepted and we've been spending a lot more time together as a result.

the romantic feelings have been starting to get in the way, i was showing him around rome when we went to visit a relative of his there, and i tripped and almost fell but he caught me, we were so close as he caught me that we both could feel the electricity bouncing off of us.

my mother knows, not because i told her but because she just knows, mothers always do. i would assume she has told my father although they have been bickering a lot more as of late.

i got a letter in the post a few days ago from marzia, she told me she's staying in france this this summer. i really hope she isn't still too angry about everything that happened between us.

a few of my family friends have seen me around with elijah, i get questioned about my relationship with him and it angers me. why is who i feel attracted to such a problem?!

my father still shifts a little whenever i mention oliver, i never got to know why he took a sudden distaste to him but, i guess it isn't my problem anymore.

the reason i'm suddenly bringing oliver up again after pushing him out of my mind for so long is because today is the day he flies back for summer with her.

i'm not bitter because i'm jealous, i'm just angry. i could ruin his life if i told her the things that happened in this house but.. i think i'd rather just forget them.

we have a couple of hours before oliver arrives so i called elijah. i'm currently sitting in his lap on my bed (soon to be oliver's) i wouldn't call us official just yet but we're getting there.

"what you thinking about" his soft british accent always spoke gently when i was unsettled, he ran his fingers through my hair the way he knows i like it. i lean into him and he brings his lips down to mine, we've kissed a few times before but this feels more connected.

"you" i lied to him as i turned so i could access his face better.

"what about?" he questioned, his sky blue eyes that look so icy pierce into mine.

"us" i lie again, gosh i gotta stop doing that.

he chuckles gently and rests his head on my chest, his hands travel round to my back as he rubs up and down. we both slowly lie next to each other and i'm the first one to lean in this time, because i'm the one who needs to move on.


i arrived a little earlier than was estimated and i sort of knew mr perlman wasn't going to have arrived yet. the question playing on my mind was; is elio going to be with him? i guess that's the big decider of whether he's going forgive me for my childish acts at the airport or not.

i guess they weren't childish, i was protecting him, i just did it in the wrong way. i also didn't bring my fiancé; ex-fiancé which i think will surprise them all.

to kill the half an hour i had, i decided to take a walk around the airport. i eventually choose a little pizza place they had because it had suddenly dawned on me i'd never had pizza whilst being here.

while i was waiting i spot a familiar face, that boy elio was fooling around with before i left, elijah? strange, i'm not going to bother him but observing never hurt anyone.

that's what i thought, until elio came from behind him. i wanted to call out and let him know i was here in some hope that he would run away from this new boy and back to me.

he spotted me, i know he saw me but he said nothing. he called out to someone a few meters from them and mr perlman appeared around the corner. i payed quickly and rose from my seat to join them.

mr perlman greeted me with a simple hug, elio looked at me and gave a brief smile. elijah extended his hand and reintroduced himself, i reminded him we'd met before and he told me he knew. we all filled into the car and i turned to look at elio.

he knew i was looking at him but he was purposely choosing to not look back at me. i forget how young he is at times.

i wondered what he thought of me not bringing a woman with me, i was surprised mr perlman didn't mention it, he's probably waiting for his son to not be in the car.

"so oliver, how was the flight over" mr perlman asked me, he kept his eyes on the road whilst we made small talk.

all the while elio was muttering and giggling in the back with his new boy, it really made me want to scream but i kept myself together.

i don't even want to think about how hard it's gonna be if it's already hard now.

i'm back after my long ass break i'm so sorry about that!
so this is part two, yeah that's fun. i saw endgame last night so if anyone wants spoilers i'm right here :)

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