23-final call

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third person

it was often oliver's favourite part of waking up before elio, watching him rest, it was always the rare occurrence.

his curls, splayed out onto the pillow, his hands reaching in front of him. he had an arm draped round the younger ones shoulder and the other tracing shapes up his arm.

he felt him begin to stir under his touch, his eyes fluttered open. oliver was met with a look of guilt, grief, anger and sadness all in one.

he froze in place, realising what they had done, this would set him back a whole year in emotional stability.

"my thoughts, they never went away" elio stared oliver dead in the eye as the words left his lips, they felt cold and unwanted.

"mine either, but elio-"

"me and elijah didn't work out, the spark burned the minute you relit our flame."
he chuckled

"that was poetic, that was pathetic" the last part he muttered, oliver gripped the wrist he could reach, softly scolding him.

"pathetic? never. and i'm sorry"

"so are you seeing anyone?" although elio had cut off the other man he tried to seem uninterested, as if it was a passing comment, his insides churning.

"no one worth talking about, no one is you" oliver explained, and it was the truth. he'd been with countless men and women in the last year and nothing was as passionate and raw as him and elio. so he gave up.

"i love you oliver" he said, it felt as if he'd never said it before. oliver had been wanting  to hear those words for so long, and now that he had, everything sort of clicked in to place.

it took him a moment to realise what he was about to do, but it needed to be done. this would be a lifetime decider,
whether to speak or to die.

"why're we doing this again?" oliver spoke, removing him arm from under him and steadying himself upright.

"i want to be with you, i always have, it was always you" elio said with no hesitation, oliver was convinced he meant every word

though he gave himself a minute to think about the response, he could make up his mind and get on with his future, or drag it back a few paces to make himself the happiest man alive.

"maybe it just took us this long to figure it out" oliver suggested, resting his head in his palm, he looked down at the boy, studying every feature (he hadn't forgotten one) as if it was he last time he'd be seeing them.

"do you want to get married" oliver had said it before he could take it back, but there was no regret, no sudden urges to scrap the whole conversation and start over. he meant it, and he would've meant it a hundred times over.

"what will my parents say?" he looked uneasy, oliver began to think he shouldn't have asked.

"i don't know, i hope your father will be accepting. fuck maybe we shouldn't" oliver was wishing he could take everything back, he pushed himself to a seating position and leant on his elbows.

"hey" elio came up behind him, resting his  head on oliver's shoulder. he drew funny pictures on oliver's back with his finger, he chuckled to himself, oliver basked in the feeling of having someone this close, especially this person.

oliver snaked his arm round elios waist and whispers "oliver" very seductively, not that it's hard for the man to be seductive.

"elio elio elio" the younger boy poked the mans chest and grinned as they kissed momentarily.

"it won't be easy" oliver warned him, elio just smiled in response. "we fight more than most, but we love more than most" he was rambling to himself

"so is that a yes then?" oliver joked, giving elios bum a quick squeeze causing the smaller boy to squeal.

"yes" he kissed the man softly, but
with a love that could last a lifetime.

this book is absolute trash, so sorry

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